G'day again .... well today I thought I might try and show you some pictures of Australia. Now I've only been with Mum and Dad a short while and haven't done all that much travelling around with them yet BUT Harri's BEEN everywhere. So these are from our Harri. He went to EVERY State in Australia so he was quite the traveller. He loved it and was ever so good for Mum and Dad even though he got awful car sick at times. They always knew when he was going to be crook and would pull over and let him out, where he would do what he had to do (sometimes from both ends), get back in the car and be as right as rain for another few hundred klms. Me ... I'm a nightmare!!!! I don't get crook but I get mighty bored and when I'm bored I jump from one side of the car to the other and bark my head off. Funny that ... I never bark at home. Mum and Dad make me travel in my crate. It's the only way I can be safe. Maybe one day I'll learn to be a good like Harri was. Until then it's short travels for me. Two hours at a time is about all I can handle. That gets you nowhere in Australia. This is a big place. Anyway enough rambling on ..... now for some piccies. Crikey ... this will challenge the Secretary.

Heading off into the wild blue yonder!!!!!
This is the road across the Nullabor plain. Miles and miles of nothing. It is usually as barren as anything but they had just had lots of rain. Most unusual. Yaaawwwnnnnnn! says I. Mum, Dad and Harri loved it! Took them days!!!!! Boring!!!!!!!
Still going .... double Yaaaaawn!!!! Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark!!!!
The great Australian bite ... they saw whales ... lots of them. Yaaaaaaaawn!!!!!
Crikey ... wait a minute ... a beach. Is that sand white or what????? You need sunnies, aye??
Esperance in WA.
Harri, Mum and Dad LOVED this place. I wanna go THERE!!!!!! I'll be good ... I promise!!!
Esperance WA.
Just like your snow, aye????? It was winter time ... hence the jeans on Mum.
Well I won't bore you any longer with the holiday slides. Mum's not the best photographer in the world (unlike your Mum, Ali) but if you want more just let me know and I know Mum will be happy to bore you some more. Maybe once a week or so I could let her have her little travelogue.
Wanna run ... Love, Charlie.
Luv it! Not a bore at all, Charlie! I wanna see Lots more of yur piccies.
ReplyDeleteHey, yu got camels, roos and what is that other animul on the road sign? Kolas or sloths or bears?
It's a wombat, Zoe. They are fantastic. I've got a piccie of Harri looking down one of their holes. I'll get round to showing you that one.They are pretty big and VERY slow. I saw heaps on my last holiday but Mum wouldn't let me out of the car. they might be slow but they have mighty big claws.
DeleteI knows Zoe, it'sh almosht like havin' a liddle Australian vacation - so PURRdy there and dah sky and dah ocean beeds so bloo! Hari wash sho handshome and looked like a living teddy bear, I finks - he is just dah cutest! I love dah white sand on his nose pikture! But what ish dose animals in dah signs, other than dah 'roos I just dun knows? Ish dat a camel, in Australia??! It beeds furry confushing to ush American dogs and cats. PURRsonally I dun likes dose rides in dah porta-prisons-on-wheels, nopers - because it means I beeds goin to dah White Coats - not fun! I hopes dat yer pawrents takes yew to dat beach though, because OMC look at all dah beeyootiful white sand and maybe yew could try to catch a whale too!
ReplyDeleteFair dinkum Humphrey ... can you just be quiet about how cute Harri was! I'm trying to edge my way into this family and all I hear is Harri this and Harri that ... hmmmmmph!!!! Mr. Perfect I call him.
DeleteIn our early days we imported camels from India for transportation etc. in our more remote areas and when we didn't need them any more we just let them go and they bred ... well ... like camels do ... and now we are inundated with them. We export them to Saudi Arabia (would you believe) as well as lots of other places including the United States. I think you use them over there for tourist venues. I s'pose for camel rides or something. Why would anyone want to ride a camel??
Porta-prisons-on-wheels ... too funny Humphrey!!
Export them to Saudi Arabia! Bol! Who woulda thunk!
DeleteOh my catness, but of course yew beeds furry, furry good lookin' too Charley - dat ish so obvious and I ish sure yer pawrents finks so too! I hads no idea dere wash camels wanderin' around in yer homeland - gosh, and wombats too in dose piktures - who knew?! I dun sees any koalas on dah signs but I'll bet dat ish because dey hardly eFUR gets down outta dose trees they hangs out in. Dere ish a koala house here at dah zoo, and Meowmy tolds me dah koalas neFUR moves in dere at all, and sometimes she finks dey ish stuffed, she ish not sure, MOL!
DeleteWeird, aye Zoe?
DeleteThankyou Humphrey ... do you really think I'm Furry, FURRY, good lookin'? You are so nice Humphrey ... for a cat ... whoops sorry ... what was I thinking!! We got lots of koala signs ... they do move around, Humphrey, but only at night. We went out real early the other day and there was one running along the road. They are VERY cute ... Nearly all of our native animals only come out at night. You've got to get up early to spot them.
Oh dear, well I can tell shmaybe yer family hash neFUR had cats - I dun knows, but eFUR since Meowmy wash a liddle girl, her family always hads lots of animals and dah dogs and cats loved one another furry much. Dat ish dah only way we knows, and it would be strange fur ush to to think otherwise. Any hoo, we hads no idea koalas could run - dah ones at dah zoo here must be furry, furry lazy and spoiled, eesh! Our local animals mostly comes out at night too - we hash skunks, possums, and furry skeery coyotes. We hash ducks and geese right across dah street from ush, and Roger and I keep askin' Meowmy if she can take ush oFUR dere fur a visit but she keeps sayin' no - I wonders why?! Yesh, of course yew ish good lookin' - dun be silly!
DeletePawsome pictures! 2 hours do not get you anywhere in Texas either. I's done a lot of traveling - pretty much all over da country, well from Los Angeles to Boston (my momma went to school at dose places). I usually just fall asleep da whole time and get out to pee (and bark! of course!)
ReplyDeleteYeah Whitley .... it's real boring, aye? I've heard Texas is BIG. Do you have lots of nothing in TEXAS like we have lots of nothing in Australia?
DeleteYeah, it's called West Texas... lots of nuthin'... except oil and gas. And dirt. BOL!
DeleteThose pics give us all a great impression of the sheer size of your country and the wildness about it, too.
ReplyDeleteI myself travel OK, I guess, but...I hate getting into the car...BOL! Me a pup who can jump really high,have to be picked up against my will and put in the car/van. Once we get going I don't mind it and go to sleep until I feel the brakes going on, then I have to see 'if we are there yet?'
Want some snow...we are getting more...sigh...
Oh, deer, Fweckles. *pats his back* Dere, dere, my fwiend.
DeleteCrikey MJF Sir ... too funny ... you have to be PICKED UP and PUT in the car/van?????? Haaaaaahaaaahaaaaahaaaaa!!!!! Too, too funny!!
DeleteI'd LOVE some snow ... yes please!!! Want some heat ... I'm sprawled in front of the airconditioner at the moment ... it's stifling here!! Too hot for walks and I'm not allowed at the beach till Thursday. Does it hurt getting those stitches out???
Canada r big, tu,bud onwy 2 hours fwum my howse r my bestest beach, on Wake Huron! In fak, I r dere wite now now *leans back in his inflatable kitty raft an' heaves a huge sigh*
ReplyDeleteYes, Charwie!! We wanna see TONZ more pichurs, pweeze!
Hey, all yu pupses, more pichurs, pweeze!
Crikey Zaidie ... I love the pictures too. I wanna see lots more of Canada. It is sooooo beautiful. I love snow photos. Why don't you blokes show more snow pictures? Its NOT boring to me!!!! Why don't we have a travelogue day once a week or something?? I saw snow ploughs and broken pipes and lots of interesting things on the news this morning in Detroit (I think it was Detroit). How do you LIVE in cold like that. It looks like hard work to me. Scary too, aye? Lake Huron ... is it warm there??????? What kind of freak of nature is that? Oh, I know it's a volcanic lake!!!!
DeleteYeah, Charwie. Did yu nod kno'? Wake Huron r ackfuwwawwy a hot spwing! No, weally! BOL :D
DeleteYou joshin' me Zaidie? I'm VERY gullible you know ... If you say Lake Huron is a hot spring I believe you!! Weally!!
DeleteIn yur dreams, Z. Isn't Huron right nes' door to Lake Mitch Again? Which is jus' 'bout frozed ofur right now? Yur kitty raft stuck in the ice there?
ReplyDeleteYu r wite, Zoe. In fak, da Gwate Wakes r 90% fwozed ober now an' dat habs nod habbened in 20 yeers! I fink da water at my bestest beech r gonna be a lil' chillier dan normal dis-comin' summer. Yikeses!
DeleteCrikey Zaidie ... you had me going there for a while! The Great Lakes are nearly frozen over? Must be that global warming stuff!!
DeleteLake Mitch Again, Zoe ... how do you blokes (sorry - AND Sheilas) think of all this stuff!! Too funny!!
Hey, Charwie! Whut yur Dad r duin' at da pwace dat wooks wike a big monster bited off a hole hunk ob land? Him r bowlin'? Or frowin' wocks intu da oshun or whut???
ReplyDeleteHe did throw rocks, Zaidie! How did you know that????? But Mum took that picture of him when he was taking a video. Don't know why he bothered ... nothing was moving out there.
DeleteWow, those are great pictures!! The animal crossing signs made Momma giggle. We don't have signs like that here cause we don't have those animals!! Just lots of deer and elk crossing signs. And turkeys. And lots of chipmunks and squirrels but there's no signs for those.
ReplyDeleteCrikey Fizzy .... you have GREAT critters AND they come out in the day time. Well camels do but our native animals only come out at night. You have wild turkeys???? Crikey .... I'd like to see one of those wandering around. Chipmunks??? Are they and squirrels dispensable like possums? Too many of them to worry about, aye?? I'd love to see a picture of a chipmunk. I've heard of them but never seen one ... not even in a picture.
DeleteOh yeah, we have turkeys EVERYWHERE. And the squirrels and chipmunks and bunnies take over Momma's garden. I thought I could post a picture here in the comments but I guess I can't. I'll post some pictures for you, Charlie!
ReplyDeleteThankyou Fizzy ... I'm looking forward to that. You not joshin' me about the turkeys are you? Zaidie josh's me all the time.
DeleteNope, they're for real! Scout's honor! I just posted a bunch of critters in my blog, and turkeys are on there!!
DeleteOnly animal crossing signs we gots here in Texas are deer signs. Once when Momma, Whit's Momma and Whit were goin' through Arizona they saw a dozen elk cross Hwy 89A...at furst, Momma saw these huge animals and thought "horse" (cuz she's a Texas girl) and then realized that although dey wuz as big as a horse, dey wuzn't a horse, dey wuz an elk... well, actually about 12 elk-- all girls except for one dude... he had a whole harem! And we saw Moose crossing signs on our trip into New Hampshire but didn't see no mooses. We getz lotsa run over armadillos and raccoons in Texas, but I guess they would be "dispensable" like possums, skwirrels, and cottontails cuz there's so many of 'em.
ReplyDeleteCrikey ... you blokes and Sheila's have soooooo many critters. Armadillos and raccoons are dispensable! We don't even have them in zoos. That might not be true ... I've NEVER been to a zoo. AND what the heck are cottontails? We call old ladies nickers "cottontails". My Mum must be an old lady cause she wears them .... whoops I think I've gone too far there! More family secrets being let out. Now I'm in trouble .... AGAIN!!
DeleteCottontails is bunny rabbits here, not granny panties, BOL!
DeleteCrikey ... bunny rabbits ... of course ... told you I was a bit slow ... not when I run though!!!!