Struth ..... that's one very
HAPPY face, aye? My mates Murphy and Stanley invited
ME and everyone else, of course, to participate in their
FFHT day so here I am .... participating!! They are real good blokes. They've just got back from the most amazing holiday. If you haven't met them you should pop over and at least check those holiday pics out. They are
VERY beautiful!! You can find them here: Well ..... maybe you can ..... my Secretary is not very smart when it comes to this computer stuff. They reckon there's NO RULES for this!! Now that attracted me straight away ..... I HATE RULES!! Too many of them around my house. They said just to let your creative juices flow. Well I don't know too much about creative juices but I know a fair bit about other sorts of juices and I don't mind letting them flow so I s'pose I can let some creative ones go too, aye?? So here goes my attempt at
Crikey … what a day I’ve been having.
Mum’s been cleaning out the garage. She’s got
stuff stored in boxes from when she moved house 20 years ago. Boxes and boxes
She’s got no idea what’s in ‘em
decided it was about time to find out.
Ok so this doesn't look like many, aye?? But this is only a few. There's heaps more!! |
Well I’m here to tell you there’s
nothing much in ‘em.
Lots of paper and
…. OMD what’s the obsession with
They’ve been there for 20 years and now she
looks at ‘em and oooohs and ahhhhhhs and pats them ever so gently
like as if they were a new born puppy or something.
Very weird things humans.
There were a lot of DOG books. They are ALL inside now! Not all the books made it inside but the DOG books did!! |
Anyway she came across this real little box and gave
it to me to open. Like … I’d had my nose in every box opening so far so I s’pose
she thought I may as well do some work.
Hello ..... anything good in here??? |
Is it safe? Can't smell any explosives!! |
Ok ..... In I go!! |
Crikey .... what is this stuff!! |
I'm not using my TEETH to pull this thing out! |
Oh well ..... s'pose I'll have to. The paw thing didn't work!! |
When I opened the box I was startled to
find THIS:
Wanna Run .... Love, Charlie!!