Crikey ... I s'pose you think I've been having a good time. Well that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm here to tell you that since I've been missing in action I've had the
WORST time
EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much has happened I'll have to do this in installments cause Mum is still mighty busy and me and my problems have only added to the stress. You'll
NEVER guess ... so I'll have to tell you .... I got a chunk taken out of me again. It's worse this time!! It's in a bad spot and I've got muscle damage. Wanna know what happened??? Of course you do!!!!! Dad was away working and it was raining in Paradise so Mum decided to take me to a leash free park instead of the beach. It's a great park and I've been there heaps of times before and I know most of the dogs.
This is where it all happened. |
It's even got a place to swim. |
Pretty, aye?? |
I should have stayed hidden behind this tree, aye?? I'm camouflaged. They'd have never found me here. |
Spose they'd have got me from this angle. |
There are 2 German Shepherds that I have played with and ran with heaps of times before without any trouble. They are good blokes with good owners ...
BUT ...... this day they ganged up on me. One of them was chasing me and the other one hung back and came at me, out of nowhere, and took a chunk out of me. I screamed. Everyone knew I was hurt. The two owners and Mum came up and calmed me down and Mum rushed me off to see Peter, the Vet. Yep ..... you guessed it ..... I spent the night in hospital after being knocked out and stitched up
It was a real deep wound. AND in a bad spot. Every time I stretch it hurts. |
This was the next day. I couldn't stay awake. My Sorry Ass looked after me. Thanks Goose!!! I know you were looking down on me too, aye?? |
Crikey I was tired!! |
Well its better than those plastic things and it did the job. I couldn't get at that wound no matter how hard I tried. AND try I did!! |
It was lookin' pretty good here. |
Dad got back the next day and he went and saw the two blokes to see if they would help with the Vet bill (it was
VERY substantial). Would you believe they both blamed the other bloke's dog. Mum couldn't say which one it was that did the biting, as to her, all GSD's look the same. Dad suggested that they each pay a third of the bill and they both said that was a very fair decision and agreed so at least this time we didn't have to pay the whole bill. We had to leave for Sydney just before the stitches came out (Nan's crook again) so I had to go to another Vet to have the stitches out and guess what???? I hadn't healed up real good. They took the stitches out and I was
VERY brave but then ...... they had to put some staples in. Three of them!!!!!!!! Fair dinkum .......
THREE!!!!!!!!! They got the first one in without much of a fuss. Mum was feeding me dried chicken treats ....... they got the second one in ....... with a little bit of a fuss. I was positively inhaling chicken treats. They got the third one in ...... fair dinkum ..... I was outta there. There was
NO WAY they were going to do that again!!!!!!! Mum nearly passed out. She's as big a wuss as I am. I've gotta have them out in four days time. Yeah ...... like that's going to happen!!!!!!
Not lookin so good now, aye?? AND get a load of those staple thingoes. How would you like those in you???? I don't like em ... not even a little bit. |
In the middle of all that we had Miss G's birthday. I had a lousy day. I went but I had to stay in my crate. I did get to watch all the action but there's no fun in that, aye?
AND Miss Poppy PooPoo pants got to eat all the left over cake and I didn't get any
ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD A LOUSY DAY!!!!!!!! I'll show you all the birthday pics in the next installment.
IF I'm still alive!!
Wanna run (I can't) ........ Love, Charlie.