Crikey .... So many good wishes for Mum for Mothers' day. You blokes and sheilas remember everything, aye? How good are you? Thankyou to everyone and Crikey .... I hope all your Mum's had a great day! It was a beautiful day here. Perfect weather!! Oh it's good to be warm again!! We went to the beach and then the whole family came over for lunch. Dad cooked! How good is he? A big baked dinner ..... yum!! I got some leftovers. Vegies and gravy! No
MEATZ ..... Bet Zaidie's got something to say about that. It was pork. Mum thinks that's not good for my cast iron tummy so no
MEATZ! It still tasted pretty smacko though. Mum had a great day but she was awful tired at the end of it. Those little people take a lot out of a person. Crikey ..... they take a lot out of me too!! They are hard work ....
Now I have a few dilemmas. I'm awfully worried about Enid. I'm soooooo upset. Frankie and Ernie reckon I'm going to go
BALD with the worry of it all. Now I'm doubly worried. First about Enid and second about going
BALD!! Please tell me I won't go
BALD! I have precious little fur already. I couldn't stand it if I was
BALD!! My Dad's going bald and, believe me, it's not a good look. Sarge's date day is getting closer. I've got until the 19th May to find her so I need a bit of advice. I found this really pretty picture and I thought that, just maybe, if I sent it to her she might talk to me for a bit. What do you reckon? Should I send it to her? It's got a love heart on it. Oh and if you turn the love heart sideways it looks a bit like a map of Australia. What do you think? should I give it a go? Please help me ...... I need all the advice I can get? I'm not good at this Sheila stuff!!
Pretty aye? Do you think Enid will like it? |
Here's something else I wanted to show you. Someone had a thing about socks the other day. I missed it as I always seem to do. We, in Australia, are about 16 hours in front of you blokes
upover, so how the heck do I miss everything?? A halfways decent Secretary would help!! Anyway these piccies are what I wanted to show you. This is what Dad does to me when he has too much time on his hands. e.g. on holidays!!!
Why do I have to put up with this? |
this is VERY embarrassing!! |
give me a break!! |
Fair dinkum ...... some people need help! |
Now for all my dogster mates. I got
ANOTHER DDP today and Mr. JF Sir did a special picture for me. It's got birdies on it. Very pretty birdies. Thankyou so much Mr. JF Sir .... I love it. You should have seen my, very lacking in ability, Secretary trying to open it. Hahahahahaha!! BUT ... open it she did! Here's the proof ...
Thankyou Mr JF Sir .... the birdies make me think of Enid! Crikey Enid .... where are you?? |
Talking about birdies. Here's some Mum took a picture of in our garden today. They are rainbow lorrikeets and they love our tree when it is in flower. So do bats!! Last night I went out for pwivacy pwease (Zaidie speak) and a bat flew out of our tree almost right into my face. Isn't there a song about that ..... bat fly in de face or something?
Don't forget ...... any advice you have re Enid'll be really appreciated. I'm so worried and I
REALLY don't want to go bald!!
Wanna run .... Love, Charlie.
Wow dose are some pretty burds!
ReplyDeleteWhat's dis about pork not bein good for your tummy? Don't let my momma hear dat, I luvs me some bacon and ham.
Trust you to pick up on that Travis!! There's no doubt about you, aye??
DeleteDon't go bald Charlie - aren't it gonna be winter downunder pretty soon?? Hope Miss Enid gets your message - I dunno how she could ignore a cutie pie like you.
ReplyDeleteI won't Whitley .... I think I've got this Enid thing under control now.
DeleteWe have plenty of fur to spare...we can make you a whole new coat:)
ReplyDeleteCrikey ..... thanks ..... you are such good mates, aye? ..... hopefully I won't be needing it.
DeleteWhere is Enid? Should we call out Sarge and the police? Love that heart photo AND the Rainbow lorrikeets. We only see them rarely.
ReplyDeleteWe've been having some Great weather. Love it!
XXXOOO bella & Roxy
Oh, and we won't tell anyone about the sock on the head thing....
I think Sarge is already on the lookout! No luck with finding her though! I could send you some of the lorrikeets. They're out of control up here. Pooping all over the place. AND talk about going bald. They leave feathers EVERYWHERE!! Yeah ..... we've been having GREAT weather too. it's raining on and off today though. Thanks for keeping Mum about the sock fettish!!
DeleteWe think that you should go out on the town in Date Day... Maybe Enid will find you... if NOT Pawhaps you will find some other really nice girrrrl who doesn't have a date either. BUTT we don't want you to end up BALD.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Enid is having computer trouble or somethingy... We KNOW that she would not want you to be DATELESS.
You will have to start following the Blogville Community Calendar... Our Cussin Sarge runs that fur everybuddy. ALL the exciting Blogville activities are listed there
OMD your dad truly SOCKED it TO you. Hope that was a CLEAN sock... a bloke could FAINT from the FUMES otherwise.
Love that Hummingbird Heart picture.. and the Lorrikeets are GORGEOUS. What kind of tree is that? It is Beautiful..
The sock was NOT clean. It just came off Dad's foot and it did smell. Gross!!! The tree is called Golden Penda; Xanthostemon chrysanthus. Kidd'n that's not a mouthful. It is pretty, aye?
DeleteThanks for the Enid advice. I think I've got it all sorted now!! I found Sarge's calendar, thankyou!! I got really excited about it. So did Mum but she's hopeless with dates. She's got no idea sometimes. She'll be late for her own funeral.
Hey Charlie!
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm sorry your Enid is missing in action! Definitely send that heart pix to her, but if she doesn't turn up, I'd find another gal right away. You're a handsome fellow and some lucky girl will be thrilled to date you. I bet those socks smelled great! I love foot smells. My Mom is going all squeeeee about that gorgeous birdie. Good luck with Enid and it not, I bet if you ask the girls of Blogville you'll have a lot of volunteers.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm
Thanks Sarge ..... I've already taken your advice and put it out there. I'm sure Enid won't mind. She wouldn't want me to be sitting around all mopy and sad all the time. Those socks smelled real gross, Sarge. Not even you would have liked that smell.
DeleteUm...well, I am truly not a gal I can't help ya...I would if I could.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this will help you feel some better, because todau you are a DDP over in Dogsterland again!
(do the C/P thing to see it)
Growlmy has to go to her job so I will pester her to put it on your Dogster pageway later when she gets back home...
Enjoy your day!
Um, I wouldn't want that stuff on my head either...BOL!
Crikey Mr JF Sir ..... not again!! I think it's cause so many people have left and no-one is posting diary entries, aye? I'm with Zaidie ..... almost time to pull the plug I think but I just somehow don't seem to be able to cut the ties. Thank Growlmy again for me for the picture. Don't pester her Freckles. She has such a lot to do!
DeleteIt was ok when it was on my head but OMD when it was over my schnoss .... Gross!!!!!
Um...don't pull your pages, but if you don't want to be there, just be missing in action as it were...aka hiding.
DeleteAt least that is what would do. Become inactive, but leave things alone so others can take a look now and then..
You could even make a diary to that we would know.
My auntie has the prize fur stinky socks & shoes, she even sweats right through leather shoes, OMD! YUCK...and leaves puddles with bare feet...
I say send Enid the picture and some treats, if that doesn't work tell her to scratch and sniff and be done with her. Good luck buddy.
ReplyDeleteAroo to you,
Crikey Sully .... you don't think that's a bit drastic. she is VERY beautiful!!!