Crikey ...... I'm still exhausted from date day but I just wanted to show you what my two legged brother in law did for my favourite Gandkid, Jo. My Jo's got tonsilitis and she is VERY sick. Her Mummy is away for a week on a conference and her Daddy is looking after her. She was missing her Mummy so he tried to cheer her up. I must tell you she has a pet chook. I'd love to eat him but I'm NOT ALLOWED!!! Anyway this is what Jo's Daddy did to cheer her up.
Pretty funny, aye?? He's a good Dad!!
Looking pretty crook, aye?? Crikey she loves that chook .... what's with that?? |
Wanna run .... Love, Charlie
Aww, poor Jo. Sure hope she feels better fast.
ReplyDeleteUh, where does her chickie make chook poop?
Get well soon Jo!
Wherever it jolly well likes, Zoe .... wherever it likes!!! It just sits (sits not s-its)..... stupid chook!! They put a towel under it. It watches TV and plays on the ipad too. Very, very weird!! You can put nappies on them.I think they've ordered some on the internetty thing.
DeleteDat are pretty funny! I fink I'd like to eat da chook too, hee hee!
ReplyDeleteYeah that's about all they're good for as far as I'm concerned. They can't even run fast so they're no good to chase.
DeleteLeave it to Dad's to come up with unique entertainment for sick kids...bwahaahaa! We would like to chase that chook, but not when it's on that offspring of Vacula.
ReplyDeleteXXXOOO Bella & Roxy
You're right Mum's are just good for snuggling when your crook. Dad's are the fun ones!!
DeleteDat were funny!!! Sure hope she feels better soon!
ReplyDeleteShe's a bit better today, thanks Finley. We managed to get some jelly into her. Not very nourishing but it slides down easy!!
DeleteWe hope she gets over it soon - sickies are never any fun
ReplyDeleteShe's on the improve thanks Reilly and Denny!
DeleteI'd say dad is pretty cleaver. I hope your little human gets to feeling better.
ReplyDeleteAroo to you,
He's a good Dad, aye? She is feeling much better, thanks Sully!!
DeleteSending a lot of well wishes and soft woofs to your Jo. Hope she feels a whole lot better, soon.
ReplyDeleteChook, OMD!! I wouldn't give it no peace! Clever idea though to make it animated!
I give it heaps Mr JF Sir ... She's got 3 of them. I tried to dig under their cage the other day. Mum caught me just in time.I nearly had me a chook!! It's probably safer on that vacuumy thing. I don't like that much ... Jo's getting better, thanks!!
DeleteI hope Jo gets better real soon. I'm with you on the chook, they are good eaten!
ReplyDeleteI'd. Love to be friends with you. Hope that Jo will feel better
Crikey Jazzi ....I'm so happy that we are friends. Do you think Addi will be friendly too? Even after the date day thingy and Bertie and Finley and everything. It was truly platonical Jazzi!! Truly!!
DeleteJo's feeling heaps better, thanks!!
I'd eat dat chook up yum!
ReplyDeleteYou would Travis .... you would!! S'pose your offsider, Crockett, would help you now, aye????
DeletePoor little babe :( not good with nasty tonsils...mine did the ame till they went bye bye many moons ago..Charlie I love chooks too ...but not like you hahaha..Forrest and Doc used to eye our chooks off.....hmmmmm pretty sure they had ideas ;) hugs Fozziemum and gang xx
ReplyDeleteOooh...That birdy sure do looks worth a chase and a chomp!!! Hope Jo feels betters soon...
ReplyDeleteLove you,
Enid xxxxxxxxxxxx
All my best wishes for your Jo, hope she feels better soon. I agree with you it looks tasty, but maybe it's better to eat some other things :o)
ReplyDeleteWE hope that poor little JO is feeling MUCH BETTER NOW...
ReplyDeleteWe think her CHOOK is a super pet. BUTT we didn't know that CHOOKS were so BRAVE... it actually RODE AROUND on VACULA!! THAT would be SOOOOOO scary. WE would NEVER do that.
Paws Crossed and POTP to JO. She is Cute as a speckled pup.
Crikey .... cute as a speckled pup ..... no human is THAT cute ..... not even MY Jo! I don't think the chook's brave. Just stupid!! It just sits there. VERY weird. Jo is a lot better today. All the POTP worked, aye??
DeletePoor little girl, one of our grandmonsters is getting ready next month to have his taken OUT....that is one cool little bird.
ReplyDeletestella rose
Crikey ..... Jo is really worried that she might have to have hers out. Love and hugs to your Grandmonster.
DeleteHow crazy is that?? Good for Dad to entertain. Hope little Jo gets feeling better!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta
We hope your poor little Jo feels much better soon. A pet chicken! My mom had a pet chicken when she was young. Um, I better not tell you how tasty it was! Ooops, I said the quiet part loud!
ReplyDeleteYou did Buddy ... you did!!! Too funny, mate!
DeleteOh dear, we do hope Jo is better soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure with her chook by her side, she will feel better very soon. I'd like to take a ride on the Roomba.
ReplyDeleteI hope dat cute lil' Jo r feewin' bedder weal soon! My Momma habbed hur tonsils-fings taked out ob hur fwoat when hur wuz 4! Da doctor useded pwiers an' jus' yanked dem wite out! Weally! Dis wuz way back in dose mid-60s, doe. Medicine hab abbanced wotz since den. BOL!