Whitley .... ain't she sweet? |
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Finley - Cute, aye?? |
OMD did we have a good time or what! It mightn’t have been a conventional date but boy what a date it was. As you all know Whitley AND Finley were my dates for the day. They wanted to go on a Roo hunt and here is how it went.:-
My good Mate
Zaidie owns a lear jet. Well he owns a
whole fleet of lear jets actually but that’s beside the point. Anyway VERY
early in the morning he flew over to Scotland where he picked up Bouncing
Bertie. I don’t think Bertie had EVER been in a plane before. He'd been on a train and he climbed mountains, often ... but a plane? I don't think so!! He was very nervous. Thank goodness for seat belts. It was the only way Zaidie’s crew could stop
him from bouncing all over the plane. You should have seen the feast Zaidie had
supplied for the big trip to Australia. There was everything imaginable, including those cat burger things. He went overboard as usual. He even had special Texan food seeing as my TWO dates were from Texas. The inflight movie was Oklahoma! I'd asked Zaidie to arrange this as it is Whitley's VERY favourite movie ever!! Crikey he’s a good stick! Once Bertie was all settled down Zaidie set
off for the United States. He had quite
a few different places to go so he didn’t waste any time. The first stop was Michigan where Mr. Jack Freckles Sir, hopped on board. Talk about nervous …. OMD ….. he’d NEVER been on a jet before. Next it was Idunno for Zoe with the beautiful eyes. Zoe’s a Sheila but she’s wasn’t my date. Zoe’s
a bit of a bloke really. Well she’s not
a bloke ….. she’s a Sheila but she kinda acts more like a bloke and I think she
likes hangin’ out with blokes better than sheilas. She’s real nice though … but she wasn’t my date. Next
stop was New Mexico for Puffy. Crikey … everyone
was so pleased to see him but sad at the same time. You see it’s always been
Puffy and Coco Rose until just a few days ago. Coco Rose left for the rainbow
bridge, very suddenly, and everyone is still a bit in shock. I think being with all his mates for a day will do Puffy the world of good. He
was all ready to go. Crikey …. What on
earth did he think he was going to do with all those stuffies!! Oh
well ….. to each his own. The next stopover was in the middle of nowhere. That’s where my mate Buddy lives. Buddy wanted to come along too. Zaidie
wasn’t too happy with him going aboard though. Apparently he had been out
exploring earlier in the morning and had found something or other to roll in
and he smelled REAL bad. Next stop was
Texas for Whitley and Finley, my TWO
dates!! OMD how
lucky am I? Those two certainly know how
to dress for a good time. I’d told them
it was going to be a casual thing and they dressed accordingly. Not that they don’t get dressed up for special
occasions. They do! They have the BEST wardrobe of any Sheilas I’ve ever seen. Well apart from Coco Rose that was. Coco Rose’s dress sense was something to
behold. That was one Sheila that could certainly make an outfit look good.
Crikey Coco Rose …… we miss you! But I
said casual so casual Whitley and Finley were.
Whitley was dressed in army
fatigues. OMD was that sexy or what?? Finley
looked incredible too. She opted for a
very stylish sporty number in aboriginal art fabric. Crikey did she ever look the part. They were both certainly dressed for action. NEXT STOP AUSTRALIA!
I believe the trip out was a
whole heap of fun but as I wasn’t there and only heard about it I’ll leave it
up to someone else to fill you in on the details. I was a bit worried about Bertie but I hear he
was right at home. Matter of fact I
heard he was the life of the party. Who knew?
He and Zaidie got on like a house on fire. He lives in Scotland and Zaidie was born there
so they had a lot to talk about. Zaidie played his bagpipes and I heard tell
that Bertie did the highland fling. OMD!
Bertie did the highland fling????? I would have liked to see that! They
landed at Amberley in Queensland. That’s our air force base and it’s where
Wills, Kate and Baby George landed when they came to Queensland. I was there to
meet everyone. I’d already picked up a few of my mates from around here. I
thought Zoe would feel happier if she weren’t the only sheila without a date so
I asked Flossie along. She’s a westie and very feisty. She’s a bit of a bloke
too and she sure knows how to bark. Between her, Zoe, Whitley and Mr JF Sir
those Roos won’t know what’s hit ‘em.
Along with Flossie there was Clancy the kelpie. Thought he’d be good to
round the roos up and last but not least and just for fun ….Paddy …. He’s an Irish
wolfhound and he’s just a pup and all gangly and uncoordinated. Thought he’d
probably confuse the Roos. He sure as anything confuses me. I had asked another good friend, Libby, but she's a collie and I've heard somewhere along the line that my Whitley has a bit of an issue with collies so I had to put her off at the last minute. We all piled into
the jet and I told Zaidie of my plans. Off we went into the wild blue yonder
and before we knew it we were at our destination. Ayers
Rock or Uluru as it is sometimes known.
I’d hired a big Trakka bus
(complete with a fully stocked bar) and we all piled in and headed off to climb
the rock. Crikey ….. who do you think got to the top first? Well ….. it wasn’t fair really.
After all I am built for speed. I
was sure impressed with everyone though.
It was VERY hot and they scaled that rock like you wouldn’t believe. Freckles
was really impressive for an old bloke. Crikey he can move when he wants to AND
the westies …. Fair dinkum …. You should have seen those little legs pumpin’.
Zoe kept stopping to bark at everything
and Clancy was running around everyone like a maniac trying to keep us all
together. Puffy (being a bit older and
slower) didn’t think he’d be able to manage the climb but good old Paddy told him
to hop on his back and they took off together. You should have seen Paddy. Talk about uncoordinated. There were legs
going in all directions. If only the back of him knew where the front was he
might do ok but crikey he was a sight to
see. I’m not sure if Puffy enjoyed the ride but he didn’t complain.
Buddy got to the top ….. took one look around and said 'Crikey …. And I thought
I lived in the middle of nowhere'. Did
you note the 'Crikey'. He was really getting into the swing of things, aye?
Once we were back on the ground we jumped back
into the Trakka and headed off for our big adventure …. an outback Australian, Kangaroo
hunt!! We all refreshed
ourselves from the bar. It was thirsty work climbing that Rock. Crikey those
Sheila’s like a cocktail or two, aye?? Now if you thought a date should be more
romantic than a roo hunt then all I’ve got to say is….bully for you. My date, Whitley and Finley wanted to chase some Roos
so that’s what we did and we found a whole mob of 'em.
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They didn't stand still like that for long, aye? |
Crikey it was exciting. Those Roos didn’t stand a chance with us
around. Buddy dug a hole soooooooo big
you could almost have put Ayers rock itself into it. Clancy rounded ‘em up, hoping they would all fall in the hole Buddy
dug but no such luck. They just kept
going round and round in circles. Whitley,
Mr. JF Sir, Bertie, Zoe, Flossie and even Zaidie barked ’em real good. Paddy after confusing the heck out of
her, pinned a big female down and Puffy
filled her pouch with some of his old stuffies.
Oh! … if only Coco Rose were here. She would have
fallen off her high heels laughing at the antics of everyone. I hope she was watching from above. Everyone
got a bit hot and bothered so we decided to give the roos a break and headed
off to Mataranka Springs for a quick dip.
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Mataranka falls. |
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Edith falls. They're not hot so you do have to look out for fresh water crocs but they're pretty harmless. |
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Crikey Zoe ..... this blokes eyes are almost as beautiful as yours, aye?? No eyelashes to flutter but an awful good set of chompers! |
Whitley and Finley had a great time. I knew they liked a game of pool ball so I’d asked the Australian Women’s water polo team to meet us there for a game of water polo. Crikey they were good sports! They let us win! Can you believe that??? We had the best time. The springs were mighty hot so we headed off to Edith falls, for a dip under the falls. A few more refreshing drinks were consumed on the way. Crikey those Sheilas sure liked those cocktails, aye?? We lost Zoe and Clancy for a bit at the falls. I'd noticed Zoe fluttering her beautiful lashes at Clancy earlier in the day and I have to say I was a bit jealous. I thought she only did that for me. She's a bit of a tease that Zoe! We were just about to set out on a search for them when they, very sheepishly, returned. Zoe looked VERY disheveled and Clancy had a beam on his face from ear to ear. Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Now for the
good part …. I had arranged a huge surprise for Whitley and Finley. I had
organised a special dinner for them so it was back to Ayers rock to get ready
for the date part of the day. I’d sent all the others off for a bit of a barbie
and a hot air balloon ride over the rock at sunset so they were happy. Well … all
except Bertie. You see I had a feeling that Finley was a bit keen on Bertie and
as I had two Shei… ummmmmm … wee lassies
I thought Bertie might like to come along as Finley’s date for the night.
He agreed. How good was that? I’d bought
real pretty dresses for Whitley and Finley and I’d arranged a room for them at
the swanky Rock resort so they could change out of their casual outfits. Bertie
and I got all spruced up too and just before sunset we picked the Sh …. lassies
up and headed out to watch the beautiful sunset and then to enjoy our romantic
dinner, beneath the stars, at Ayers rock.
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Dinner under the stars! |
Whitley and Finley looked amazing and I think
Bertie and I looked pretty good too. Crikey
we had a good night. That Bertie sure
knows how to treat the Sheilas. What a gentleman! I tried so hard to be gentile like him. I hope
I succeeded. The sunset was incredible and we saw all our mates go sailing
right over the top of the rock in the brightest blue hot air balloon you’ve
ever seen. I had to control Whitley when she saw the balloon. She wanted to
bark at it but when I told her how all our mates were in it she got herself
under control. Fair dinkum ….. we had the best
time!!!!!! And I don’t know for sure but
I think Bertie and Finley really hit it off.
Finley was all shy and gooey. Who’d
have thought? Finley and Bertie? Crikey!!!
All too soon the others joined us
and Zaidie said it was time to head for home. Zoe was a bit reluctant to board the plane and Clancy looked downright forlorn. He'd get over it though ..... I saw him wandering off with Flossie and Paddy. What a good time we had all had
and what a wonderful date day it was. Thanks so much Whitley and Finley for
being my date. You two are the BEST!!!!
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Can you see all my mates in there?? |
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A perfect sunset after a perfect day!! |
Wanna run ….
Love, Charlie.
Dis were da bestest date Charlie! Fanks for a pawsome time!!
ReplyDeleteCrikey Whitley .... thankyou and Finley for coming and being such good sports in letting everyone else come too. We had a good time,aye? I loved hearing about the plane trip. How'd you come up with that so quick? I thought, after all those cocktails, you'd sleep for a week. That haggis ..... OMD!!
DeleteThats is the dream date I've always wished fur!!! Dinner unders the stars sounds soooo romantic...you sure do know how to haves a greats time. But I haves a suspicion thats you've gone off me, am I right?? If you have then I reallys DON'TS mind at all. I'm happy fur you. You're a pawsome mate and I wants you to find LOVE!!
ReplyDeleteEnid xx
Enid, it was a platonical date. Charlie tried and tried to contact you but we couldn't find ya!
DeleteCrikey Enid .... I'm confused! I need some time to think. I TRIED real hard to find you Enid. You're the one I wanted to take on the date but you were gone!! OMD .... what to say .... I'll get back to you Enid. I haven't gone off you ... I was true to you .... as Finley said it was a platonical date, Enid. I'll think about things, aye and get back to you. OMD what to do????????
DeleteOh Charlie I'm so sorrys I haven'ts been arounds fur a while...My Humans haves been all overs the place recently. I'm SO glads you're stills keen on me! OMD we MUST go on a gate soon!!
DeleteEnid xxxxx
Have we been on a GATE before, Enid????? That must have been fun!!! Funny I don't remember it but I would love to go on a DATE with you again.I remember the last one you took me on. Crikey ..... I've been dreaming about it every night while your hoomans were being VERY slack.
DeleteWhat an amazing date - you had everything, romance, dinner, adventure, excitement, chasing the roos....seeing uluru - Mom says can she come on your next date ?
ReplyDeleteYour Mom would be very welcome but only if she brings that rug so I can lie on it!!
DeleteWhut a whole bunch o' fun, Charlie! Thanks fur settin up the whole deal!
ReplyDeleteUt-oh, there's Enid! Whut are yu gonna tell her Charlie?
Crikey Zoe ..... we did have fun, aye? BUT .... Enid!! Fair dinkum .... what's the go Zoe?? I need help here ..... what should I tell her Zoe? You're a Sheila .... you should be able to help me, aye?? What's she doin' to me? I'm awful confused .......
DeleteHey Charliedadawg, did yu let Sarge know yu had yu a great date? Here's his bloggy thingy, yu might win a prize!
Thanks Zoe ..... I did that and Whitley did a blog thingy too about the plane trip out. Crikey she's a good sport, aye? I just did it for fun Zoe .... my prize is having good friends like you and all the others!!
DeleteCharlie, I wrote all 'bout our trip home on my bloggie! Thanks heaps-- it were grouse! It were a ripper!
DeleteI saw it Finley .... I saw it!!!! Crikey I wish I had have been there with you. What a great end to the day. Crikey we had fun, aye??
DeleteCRIKEY Charlie.... we hardly know WHERE to begin. THIS is just the most AMAZING Date Day shindig we can EVEN Imagine. You pulled out the stops fur this one, Mate.
ReplyDeleteThe JET... and BERTIE and all the rest of the gang... it is just OUTSTANDING. We can't believe that you found a MOB of Roos fur everbuddy to Round Up. And OMD the trip to the TOP of Ayers Rock... And the DINNER. and the BALLOON Ride... Who could EVER ask fur MORE than THIS date held.
You showed them a MARVELOUS time. JUST FABULOUS. BRAVO BUDDY BRAVO. We don't think you will EVER be able to TOP this one.
No Worries Mate
Crikey Frankie and Ernie ..... I sure hope I can TOP this date. After all it's my first. Surely I haven't blown it for all time. I do so wanna go on another one, one day. We had a GREAT time!! No worries, aye?? I forgot to thank Sarge! That was a bit remiss of me ...
DeleteGosh Charlie.... we were so excited by all this great stuffs that we furgot to tell you how DAPPER you look in your Bow Tie.
ReplyDeleteFair dinkum???? I only did it for the Sheilas'. I thought I looked like a right idjut!!
DeleteWow, Charlie! I heard that jet come by here in the wee hours and it was so jumbo!
ReplyDeleteI barked and hooted and it let down the ramp at the Battle Creek Airport/National Guard Airfield, and in I ran a barking still...and made sure I got a window seat to bark at all I was gonna see.
It were a ton of fun from the outset.
And those roos OMD!!
And did ya see me helping Buddy do his digger job? Then I wwnt and helped the chasing work. I am a jack of all trades, BOL!
Balloon? UM...um...i had to stay near the din-din spaot to help the lassies there clean up...lick-a-lot is another of my trades, abut balloons make me super dper angry, so it were better fur me to stay earthbound...
Crikey, mate! I slept the whole way home, and had to get with it real quick to be home in time for growlmy to feed me again, BOL!
Thanks fur a pawsome meetup/date/roo-hunt/expawdition!
PS: Am I supposed to make a bloggie about this too??
Crikey Mr JF Sir ..... jack of all trades, aye?? Too funny, mate!! Glad you slept the whole way home. ME ..... I'm exhausted!! How the heck could you eat again after all that ...HAGGIS??????? Glad I missed out on that. I'm surprised you could ever eat again. No, Freckles .... or should I call you Mr. Jack of all trades .... you don't have to do a bloggie thingie. Just me .... although if you wanted to do something about the trip I would love to hear your version of it. Whitley did the plane trip out and I hear Finley is going to do the plane trip back. Whitley's was hilarious.
DeleteOh, I passed on that Haggis, I furgot to woof that to you, I think I woofed about it in Whitley's bloggie. Didn't wanna hurl on your date affair, BOL!
DeleteDo you have Victoria Day at your den? Its a holiday in Canada, where my growlmy comes from, eh?!
I think I shall just let this fun be all yours, growlmy's mind and my paws are all done in...after a long day of mowing our big yard. Ad I am snoozing again...after all I am a senior dogizen, BOL!
Crikey, eh?! BOL!
yeah .... CRIKEY!!! That covers it well, aye??
DeleteYup! Woofs!
OMD! Did you see all the typos, I must be still reeling from all the excitement! BOL!
DeleteWow, Charlie, you sure know how to show the ladies a good time! Dang, buddy you got TWO dates. That's wonderful. OMD that Trakka looks like a zooming good ride and the Rock and Falls were beautiful places to take your ladies. Never played water polo before or chased a Roo either, but sounds like both were a lot of fun. Thanks so much for joining in with Date Day and I'm glad you had a good time. All three of you are entered in the big drawing.
ReplyDeleteGrr and Woof,
Sarge, Furiend
Thanks Sarge .... we had a great time! Thanks so much for all the organisational you did.
DeleteHi Charlie - Puff Darby here.
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to get out and be with my pals. Thank you for thinking about me. I had a great time and picked up a few stuffies while I was there - BOL
Crikey Puffy .... I'm so glad you came. How's you Momma and Dad doing, mate??
DeleteMe? Shy and gooey? I don't know whut you're talkin' 'bout! I's not shy!
ReplyDeleteIt were da pawsomest time evfur!!! I's gotta write about da trip home!
ReplyDeletePersonally I thought the gooey part was a bit ridiculous but the shy bit?? Just a little bit, maybe?? Can't wait to hear about the trip home Finley. Whitley told me about the trip out. Crikey ..... wish I'd been there!!
DeleteOK Charlie, so let's get this straight. I was excited on the plane. Not nervous, excited, right? A manly chappie like me would not be nervous about flying. As if.
ReplyDeleteQuibbles aside, I would that to thank you so much for organising such a brilliant date night. It is not often I get to dance the Highland Fling to an appreciative audience AND to chase Roos, all in one evening.
But boy have you landed me in a dilemma with that set up with Finley. I mean, yes I most certainly do think that Finley is more than just a cute wee lassie, she is absolutely gorgeous! But the truth is I already have a Blogville girlfriend, Addi, and although things have been quiet between us lately, we have never formally broken off. Now I don't know if you have met Addi (Jazzi's sister) but she is QUITE A GIRL. I think you will get my drift if you read this post about our Halloween date night:
So I am, I confess, worried that Addi will not be at all happy if she finds out I have been cavorting with Finley. Oh dear, I really don't know what to do. Charlie, you strike me as a man of the world type, perhaps you could give me some advice? Unfortunately, there is absolutely no point in me asking my human; when it comes to relationship stuff, gail is hopeless, just HOPELESS…
Toodle pip!
Crikey old Chap ..... sorry ..... I wasn't there so I was only hearing about it second hand. I'm sure you're VERY manly. My mistake!!
DeleteAs for the Addi thing I'm not sure if I can help you, Bertie. I got some problems of my own there, mate. I gotta a girlfriend too. Her name is Enid and I'm also in a bit of strife over this date thingoe. I've asked some of the Shei ..... sorry ... wee lassies for advice. Maybe we should keep in touch and pass on any advice we get to each other, aye?? I'm sure Gail is not ALTOGETHER hopeless in the relationship business. Not ALTOGETHER hopeless .... surely????? I'm heading over to read your Hallowee post right now ...
Sorry if our strictly plutotonical date got any pup in hot water... just sayin', maybe if those gal pals of y'alls paid more attenshun to you charmin' blokes, well, then, they wouldn't have anythin' to complain about, would they?
DeleteCrikey Finley ..... just sayin' ... but have you seen Bertie's girl, Addi? Fair dinkum Finley ....... be careful!!!!! It might just be you that's in trouble not some other pup.
DeleteBrilliant! What a fan-bloody-tastic date! We would have loved to chase those roos. Bella chased one once--it was on the other side of a fence, but she chased it! Bet those sheilas are tellin' all their friends about that date, well, tellin' them when they recover from jet-and-date lag.
ReplyDeleteNow, we know Bertie. He IS the life of any party, but we also know he's sweet on Addi. You're lucky he didn't want to bring his TANK on the trip.
SHE climbed the rock once--only as far as the end of chicken rock--doesn't like heights...BOL! So flew over it.
XXXOOO Bella & Roxy
Crikey I've gotta get to know this Bertie bloke a bit better, aye? He's got a TANK!! Fair dinkum?? We could'a used that on our date!!
DeleteMy Mum and Dad ran up the rock once. Dad with a backpack with a bottle of champagne (and champagne glasses) and cheese and biccies. It was a long time ago. They were both VERY fit in those days. They did the city to surf the same year. It's been all down hill for them since then. They wouldn't even make it to chicken rock these days
Charlie we wanted to tell you somethingy Very IMPAWTANT...
ReplyDeleteYou may be new to Blogville butt we think YOU are a SUPER New Resident. You did an absolutely WONDERFUL job with this date day thingy. It has somethingy fur EVERYBUDDY.
WE are just THRILLED to have met you and to have become FURENDS.
BRAVO on your Date Day. It is STELLAR we say.
Your Mates... Frankie and Ernie
Crikey Frankie and Ernie ..... that was so nice of you to say all that. I just love being here and I love the way everyone is so friendly and soooooooo nice. It is a great little community you have going here. I hope I'm here for a long time and I'm so happy to have found you and Ernie. You are great FURENDS. Mum is still finding her way but she will improve.
DeleteOh you had a girl on each paw Whitley and Finley. Why they are very gorgeous indeed. Now Bertie on the other paw I thought he was dating my gal Jazzi's sister. We had better keep that a hush hush on the down low if you know what I mean. The dining in the Outback under the stars has a different meaning here in my city Outback is a steak house restaurant.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot
Hmmmmmmmmm .... it was a platonical date as my girl Finley said. I've heard about Addi. I'm sure Bertie was just being gentlemanly with Finley. I'm quite sure he was true to Addi but I'll sure keep it hush hush on the down low and all that stuff. We had a great time in our outback. Your outback is a steakhouse?? Do they have Roo steak??
DeleteUh ohs... I got a look at Jazzi's sisfur, Addi. She looks like she could eat me fur lunch. She kinda reminds me of dat pitbull dat tried to eat me in my front yard a coupla years ago....
DeleteSure do hope she realizes it were strictly plutotonical.....please keeps it on da down low... cuz nobuddy needs to know....
Crikey Finley ..... I saw her too!!!! Dead scary, aye? I think I made it clear that it was plutonical and there was nothing going on with you and Bertie but I'd lie low for a few days if I were you. You know..... just to make sure the coast is clear..
DeleteWhat a fabulous idea to take a ride an a balloon! That must be wonderful to see such a sunset! btw: can you send me the guy with the sharp chompers? he could live in my bathtub and I had a reason to avoid baths :o)
ReplyDeleteCrikey ..... thanks for stopping by. We got heaps of those chomper blokes over here. I could send one over. I never thought to put one in the bathtub. Good thinking!!
DeleteHi Charliedownunder...fanks for coming over to ours blog and adding us, we loves to make new friends from close and afar, we also loves reading all about that wonderful date, it just blew us out of the water.
ReplyDeletestella rose
Crikey ..... I love new friends too. Thanks for accepting me.
DeleteHey Charlie - WOWZERZ!!! That date day wuz one magnificent outing fur all. You did so furry much an'went all over. That wuz so furry much nice of u tue help out all the otherz so they cood go too! Livin'here in the middle of the U.S. - we ain't never seen no kangarooz - all we c around our estate iz kittiez, squirrelz an'wabbitz.
ReplyDeleteNow we unnerstand your date with Whitley an'Finley wuz strictly plutonic - after all, your true love iz with Enid butt u were not able tue git in touch with her fur the date day. Welllllllllll, guess what? Did u know she iz BAAAAACK???????
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta
Crikey ..... thanks for dropping by. You got WABBITZ??? I LOVE rabbits!!
DeleteMmmmmmmm .... I know she's BAAAAACK!! Thanks for telling me though ..... I was in a bit of strife there for a moment but everyone told her how my date with Whitley and Finley was purely platonical so I think we are still a twosome! It was her hoomans fault or so she said. I think that Murphy bloke might have had something to do with it but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. AFTER I punch that Murphy bloke on the schnos.
G'Day Mate,
ReplyDeleteWe hope that you survived your FURST Date Day in Blogville. We Do have a bit of a Wild Group of Wimmen... As you seem to have discovered. They DO know how to put a bloke's Tail in a Twitch, don't they?
YES.... Bertie does have a TANK and every now and then He and Addi... show up at an event in it... THAT is some Major excitement.
We are so glad that Enid has Returned to the Fold so to speak.
We want to tell you that it would NOT be a Fun Blogville Event if Somethingy didn't get a bit Crazy. THAT is what makes it all so Exciting. YOU just had your baptism by Firey Wimmen. BaaaaaWaaaah. You will be a PRO at this the next time we have somethingy going on.
We are PROUD of you fur .... taking it all in stride...OR ON A DEAD RUN...
One thingy you WILL find out about Blogville is that we are really just ONE BIG HAPPY and HELPING FAMILY. We Want and Welcome Every Buddy.
As you start leaving comments and making furends here. you will suddenly discover that you have 87 or MORE folks that want to be YOUR furend as well.
Just Sayin.
Crikey ..... it was quite a day, aye? I survived but only just. The Enid twist knocked me for six!!!!! My tail was twitchin' like you wouldn't believe. I have read a bit about Bertie and Addi now. Fair dinkum ..... they are quite the couple, aye? I loved the halloween tale. That tank must come in awful handy at times.
DeleteCrikey I love making new friends but I'm having trouble keeping up with all the friends I have made so far. I don't know that I could handle 87 million. How do you blokes keep up with everyone??
OMD Charlie! We stopped by to read about your date and we have to say that reading all the comments were almost as fun as reading about the date. You certainly showed everyone a wonderful time.
ReplyDeletenice to meet you!
the Idaho PugRanch Kids
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta
Crikey .... it was nice to meet you blokes and Sheilas too! Personally I think the comments are the BEST bit. Some of the blokes out there are soooooooooo funny? Me .... I'm a bit conservative but I still like to have fun, aye??