Thursday 22 January 2015

Are you there Enid???

Crikey Enid ...... are you there????  I haven't seen you for a while. I'm on a road trip with Mum and Dad and I'm not around all that much either but I have something VERY important to ask you.  Other blokes have done all this fancy stuff to ask their sheilas but you know me, Enid ... I'm a pretty basic sort of bloke and my Secretary is even more basic than me so I'm just going to have to ask you and hope to goodness you'll say YES!!!!!!!!  You see our Mayors' Murphy and Stanley are having a bit of a do and everyone's invited and I would very much like it if you would consider being MY date for the night. It's a Valentine's day dance.  Now I haven't done much dancing, Enid, but I'm going to take some lessons.  I sure wouldn't want to step on those pretty little paws of yours. If you will agree to be my date I believe we have to submit some photos or something to Murphy and Stanley. I don't quite know what sort of photos we have to submit but I'm sure we can work something out there, aye?? We've got a bit of time to do that.  Crikey Enid ...... Will you be my date for the dance.  I just know it's going to be the best night EVER but only if YOU go with me. Please Enid ...... say YES!!

Wanna dance the night away with me ......  Always your Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. We are sure she will say yes! And Easy is going to give some dance lessons so you will be able to impress her!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Crikey ..... Easy's doin' the dance lessons????? That will be impressive, aye??

  2. OMD that was some shameless pleading to get Enid to go with you to the dance. I have a feeling she'll say yes.

    Aroo to you,

  3. Charlie, you did great with your invite to Enid!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    1. Thanks Mr Bailey, Hazel and Mabel .... you don't think it was a bit much??

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah ...... I guess so!! She hasn't been in touch. I shoulda just chucked a lump of bacon at her, aye, Travis???????

  5. Charlie, ya gots it bad. It are obvious.

    1. Well .... crikey Whitley .... have you seen her??????????????

  6. Replies
    1. I hope so too but she can be very elusive, aye??

  7. That's beautiful. Hope she sees it, mate. We're sure she'll say yes!

    1. Well ..... I dunno .... she's got these three big black blokes sniffin' around!!

  8. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Did she say YES??

    1. Not yet Ojo .... not yet!!! Crikey .... I'm gettin' worried!!

  9. Replies
    1. Well ..... it IS Enid ..... she does keep me guessing!!

  10. Oh Charlie you're so sweet she's bound to say Yes! You two are a pawfect couple
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    1. Well I think so too Princess. I sure hope Enid does, aye??

  11. Oh Charlie mate..i bet Enid will be chuffed...who could resist an amorous Aussie hey? loves Fozziemum xxx

  12. We agree with could she resist? Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  13. Hari Om
    Charlie maaaaaattteeee.... what's not romantic about THAT???? You've got ME saying 'yes' and I wasn't even being asked!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Crikey Aunty .... how funny are you?? BUT ..... if Enid doesn't wanna go with me would you consider being my date?? I would love that!! Enid is my true love so it would have to be platonic but we could sure have some fun, aye??

    2. .... You're on - I shall be attending as the chaPAWrone, which means I can partner whoever I like &*> ... but I hope Enid gets her head on straight and I am sure she will....Yxx

  14. Come on Enid... say yes... look Charlie has so much roses for you and look at his legs, that guy can dance like a tornado and it will be YOUR night when you dance together.
    Easy Rider

    1. Crikey Easy ..... I hear you're goin' to be offering dance lessons!! I can't wait to get goin' with those, mate?? Do you really think you can teach me some fancy moves??????

  15. WE hope that she sees this also, Mate. Crikey Charlie... IF she sees it...we KNOW she will say YES.

    1. Yeah Frankie and Ernie ....... IF she sees it!! She sure likes to keep me guessing. I never know when she's going to turn up, aye??

  16. How can she say no?

    Monty and Harlow

  17. How could she possibly say no to that????

    1. It's Enid, Chester and Joey .... I NEVER know what's goin' on with her. Crikey ..... I sure hope she doesn't say NO ... I'd be devo!!

  18. Replies
    1. Yes Enid ..... listen to Marley ...... say YES!!!
      G'day Marley ..... it's sure nice to meet you. Thanks for stoppin' by. I hope we can be friends. You live in INDIA????? Crikey ..... bet that's exciting!!

  19. No girl would refuse you Charlie, you are a winner ...a stand up guy for sure!
    stella rose

  20. How could any girl resist that cute smiley!!

    1. Crikey ..... Do you really think I have a cute smile???

  21. Replies
    1. Crikey Lily and Edward ... I sure hope she does. I'll be devo if she doesn't.

  22. Replies
    1. Crikey Blueberry ...... cute????????? How about handsome?????

  23. Charlie, your coming on a little strong. Just be a little more subtle. Don't worry, I am sure Enid will say yes! How could she not find you irresistible?!

    1. Crikey Buddy ..... you think so?? A little more subtle?? Fair dinkum ..... I'm not too good at this, aye??

  24. I want to watch the dancing!

    1. Yeah with Easy as the dance teacher it should be worth watching, aye??

  25. Charlie if that girl Enid does not say yes to a handsome Aussie bloke like you well then she is crikey out of her mind. I snagged myself a date with the Aussie Bella.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Crikey William .... you're goin' with Bella??? Lucky you, mate. She's quite the Sheila, aye?? I sure hope Enid IS out of her mind. Out of her mind over ME, aye??

  26. Charlie no girl in her right mind could resist that bouquet of roses and your winning smile!! I'm sure you'll here from her very soon...
    hugs madi your bfff

    1. Crikey Madi ..... I hope your right but I dunno ..... she's awful special!!

  27. Woses? Yu outta yur mind, Charwie??? Gurlpups du nod want fwowers. Dem want MEATZ an' wotz ob it. Ged wif da pwogwam, dood! (MOL!)

    1. Crikey Zaidie .... it's a bit late now, mate!! I've already gone with the roses thing. Who are you askin'?? I'd sure like to see how you go about it!!!!! I might learn a thing or two, aye?? Hey ..... it's Australia Day on Monday. Make sure to throw some LAMB on the barby and watch video clips of 'we come from the land downunder'.

    2. You got over the cat thing yet????????????????

    3. Meow?? *puuuuuuuuuuurr* Nod quite, Charwie! One more bwog post shood cwear it up. MOL :D

  28. We are so excited. Enid you have to say yes to that handsome dude.

  29. More romance in you than most two legged males I know.

    1. Yeah Merle but those two leggers have NO idea, aye??? Especially the Aussie ones.

  30. Wow, still no Enid?? She's playing the coy shy hard to get lady!

    I think she will say yes, yup, I sure do! Love the roses image and your handsome visage and hopefur pleading eyes! How on earth could she not agree to go with you?
    And you will steal the show with your got them nice tall prancing/dancing legs! They will learn the steps just fine.

    Wagging my tail and hope it works fur ya, dude! Crikey, I shoulda woofed, bloke! BOL!

  31. Crikey Mr JF Sir ..... I'm getting real worried. I bet it's those big black blokes again!!! Are you coming to the dance Mr. JF?????? I'm sure there's lots of sheilas' out there that would LOVE to go with a bloke as good lookin' as you.

  32. I don't know yet...I have to work...and then after that pawppy wants to be going to a romantic did-din with growlmy...which is fine fur the peeps of course, but that means we furs here have to take one of those long boring naps...
    So I can't really invite any gal-pup...if'n I go, I shall look fur a wall flower, BOL!
    Dancing...well I used to practice that a lot but lately I am more of a napper or a barker...OMD! Growlmy would wave her hand in a circle and I would get up and twirl, OMD! At least I didn't have to wear a tutu...maybe if'n I do go maybe some gal-pup would share a dance or two with me? Who knows!

  33. Crikey Mr JF Sir ...... first Zaids is a pussy cat and now I've got a mental picture of you in a tutu. Where will it end????? How lovely is your Pawppy taking Growlmy out for a romantic dinner for Valentine's day??? I sure hope they have a lovely night.
    If you could go to the dance I'd let Enid dance with you. That's if she EVER say yes, aye??

    1. way! It says at least I *didn't* have to wear a tutu...OMD! Imagine if I did have one of those on,how demeaning and silly, BOL!
      Sweet of you to share your Enid!

  34. Come on, Enid - that was the most heartfelt invitation that I've ever heard. I hope you say yes!

  35. OH YESSSSS!!!! Of course I will be your date fur the night I can't wait and I'm sure you're not that bad at dancing after all. I'm so sorry I've been away fur soooo longs but I've been plannings something real specials fur Valentines Day toooo! It will involve a romantic trip to a oh-so-very-romantic city buts I don't wants to give to much aways so, I can'ts wait!!!
    Yours Always,
    Enid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  36. We can email each other photos and agree on what type of photos we wants as well. I'm so exciteds! Email me here
    Enid xxx

    1. Crikey Enid ...... That's the best news I've heard all day. We're going to have a great night .... I just know it!! I'll send an email real soon and don't worry about the dancin' bit. I've been practisin' and I'm getting better. Besides Easy's going to give me lessons.
      I'll be in touch real soon. Always your Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
