Sunday 3 August 2014

No one loves me anymore!!

I'm leaving home!!!!!   No-one loves me anymore.  My Jo hates me. My Jen thinks I'm a big fat bully. Mum thinks I'm a legend but I sense a wee bit of disappointment. Dad just doesn't think, so he's ok. Izzi could always take me or leave me and Miss G .... well she's never liked me too much. I can't seem to leave her face alone. It ALWAYS seems to be covered in such good stuff. Wanna know what I've done this time???  Course you do!!  Well my two legged sister, Jen and her Family have a new family member.  Meet Poppy Poo Poo pants!!!!!

Cute, aye?  I think so too. I've met her already. It didn't go well. I tried to eat her. Well she does smell awful good and I LOVE pork cracklin'. She smells just like it.  Murphy, the Saint, didn't try to eat her. After sniffing her butt for a bit he just welcomed her like he did the chooks.
HE PEED ON ME!!!  Yes ..... Murphy!!!!!!  What was he thinking? We used to be mates. He peed on me!!  Can you believe that??  What was that all about??? No pictures of me with Poppy.  I created so much chaos no-one even thought of taking MY photo with Poppy.   Crikey ..... woe is me!! No one loves me anymore!!

Wanna run ..... away with me .... love, Charlie. 


  1. Oh u poor little doggy - soundz like u need a hug? Can u swim - u r welcome at the Beaglebratz Manor anytime however we r in the middle of the US so u will hafta sTT still u ARE welcome here.

    MAY-B if u watch how Murphy gitz along with Poppy Poo Poo Pants then u will tue. An'we haz NO IDEA y Murphy peed on u - may-b that wuz hiz way of tellin'u how great it wuz tu b a furremd of PPPP - after all - it is called pee-mail.
    Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

    1. Crikey ..... a hug!! That's just what I need. Thanks for the invite to the Manor but I think I'd best stay here. I'm sure we can work it out, aye?? Running away doesn't help I've been told. Don't know that I can be good like Murphy though. He is PERFECT!! When he's not peeing on me or barking or biting people that is.

  2. Ach Du Liebe!

    I still wuffs ya, Charlie, I really do! Wanna know why?? Cause you are a doggy after my own heart!
    Always chasing stuff and trying to taste things, too...
    I surely would have been in the same boat as you with that porky um...oops...Poppy.
    Listen, if her name is Poppy Poo Poo Pants, she must have some faults herself, right?? BOL!
    And um...well I peed on a doggy head once too,and some other pup returned thta favor to me too.
    The world is still all in one piece, and remember I wuff ya, and so does growlmy. If she can wuff a cuckoo JRT (well, I was when I were a young un), then she can wuff you! Now go find a snuggle blankie and a nice soft bed and go take a long long nap!

    Growlmy says Poppy is a cutie...she said that, I think she is, well, a piggy!

    1. Thanks Mr JF Sir .... I can always rely on you, aye?? I took your advice and snuggled up with my soft blankie and had a big nap and I felt a lot better after that. Murphy's not all that perfect. You are right!! He barks a lot, he has been known to bite PEOPLE and in his puppy days he ate EVERYTHING!! Not to mention peeing on my head!! REALLY!! Poppy is cute, aye?? It's just ...... well ...... she smells so good!!

  3. You can come here, Charlie. We woulda been barkin' our heads off at that porker....probably the chooks, too.

    1. Thanks Bella, Roxy and Dui ..... I think I'd best stay here though. Gotta work these things out, aye??

  4. Hey, Charlie mate, maybe ya needs me to come down there and help ya out - I mean between da two of us, I's pretty sure we could turn dat lil piggy into a nice pork dinner. She looks delishus.

    1. I reckon we could Travis. She sure smells delishus!!

  5. She sure does... pork chops, pork roast, some babyback ribs and ....BACON!!

    It isn't your fault she smells like dinner.

    We luvs ya, Charlie... ya can come to Texas... only pups and cats here... no piggies except on a plate.

    1. Yeah and that's where they should be, aye?? ON a plate!!!!!

  6. Uh, I don't think Murphy are a saint if he peed on ya - just sayin. And I gotta agree with Travis and Finley - dat piggy looks real good.

    Real good eatin dat are.

    1. Yeah .... you're right Whitley .... Murphy's no Saint. He PEED on my head. That's not very saintly behaviour, aye?? The only good piggy is a roast piggy I say!!

  7. Oh Charlie, of course everybody loves you. You have totally got the wrong idea.
    Toodle pip!
    PS Is that Murphy with the smart plaid jacket? (Of course you look even better, coat or no coat, don't go off again moaning nobody loves you….)

    1. Thanks Bertie. Sorry, mate! I know I'm loved. Just got a bit depressed there for a minute or two. Yeah that's the Saint in the plaid jacket. It's not even cold! Big wuss ...

  8. We love ya Charlie. Now we are thinking dinner.......bacon.....chops.......drool...drool. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thanks Molly ..... It's sure good to have friends like you, aye??

  9. Oh knows I love you, right? I'll always love ya. You're the best, most pawsomes, handsome doggy I've evers mets! Me thinks its verys mean of your peoples to neglect you likes that...outrageous! And Murphy, well, how ungentlemanly is that to pee on you?! We all love and value you Charlie, I'm thinkin you shoulds come live with me fur a while.
    Yours always,
    Enid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Oh Enid I know you love me! I love you too and I would like to live with you for a while but I know, deep down, Mum and Dad love me too so I think I have to stay here and face this problem like a man, aye? That WAS ungentlemanly of Murphs wasn't it? Quite uncalled for, aye?
      Love always ... Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. Hari OM
    Pigs as pets? Just begging for trubs, is it not Charlie me darlin'? They dooooo know it will quadruple in size right? Then you will be the one in danger. Work it mate, roll over and play dead, that'll sort out who really cares!!! If all l else fails, mail yourself my way. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Crikey Aunty ..... it's already full grown. It's 18 months old and a mini pig. It's smaller than Saint Murphy but I reckon it weighs more. If it rolled on me I'd sure feel it. It would weigh twice as much as me. Maybe if I let it roll on me they'll like me again. S'pose it's worth a try, aye??

  11. BACON!!!!

    Dood, that's a PIG! They aren't pets, they are to eat! Of course yu did the right thing tryin to eat that thing! (Sumfin is rong with Murphy, by the way)

    I feel fur yu Charlie Mate.

    1. Crikey Zoe .... you sure say it the way you see it, aye?? You're right of course in EVERYTHING you say but I'm treading on thin ice at the moment so I'm trying to be a bit diplomatic. Just delete this when you read it, aye?? THERE SURE IS SUMFIN RONG WITH MURPHY!!!!!! He's far from a normal dog, aye??
      Thanks for understandin' Zoe.

  12. It is hard when that piggy smells so good but you better watch out Charlie - piggies are carnivores too and like nothing better then a little meat - he might just decide whippet bacon is tasty too !

    1. Crikey ..... I thought they only ate grass and stuff. THEY EAT WHIPPETS???????

  13. We're going to be cooking up some pork ribs in the crock pot this week, if that makes you feel better. Should we cook them with sauerkraut, or barbecue sauce?

    1. Well .... it would if it were Poppy Poo Poo pants you were cooking but I s'pose if it's one less pig in the world then that's a good thing too, aye. I'd go for the sauerkraut. Don't know why but sauerkraut's big in this family. Dad's from German stock. He loves Pork knuckle with heaps of mustard and sauerkraut.

  14. Don't worry Charlie! We love you and it looks like a lot of others do too!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

    1. Thankyou Mr Bailey, Hazel and Greta .... It's so good to have friends like you to make me feel better.

  15. You can live in my crib if you want, I would love you and I never would pee on you, I swear. I hope you all are well (if the pee is removed) and maybe you and Poppy PooPoo
    can be friends... from a distance... once .

    1. Thanks Easy ...... but I think I've gotta stay here and work things out. I'm sure Poppy and I will be friends ..... ONE DAY!!

  16. CRIKEY Charlie... you are having a bad time of it... furst Poppy Poo Poo Pants and then you got PEEd on????? Your life has kinda gone... DOWN THE TUBES...
    BUTT we don't think you should run away... We think you should take a Pro Active approach... You are a PRO at being ACTIVE, RIGHT?
    So here is the deal... don't get EVEN... get BETTER... Pee on the PIG and POOP on Murphy. THEN blame THEM fur Chasing the Chooks.

    1. Crikey you two ..... that made me laugh out loud. What a good idea ..... I am a PRO at being ACTIVE, aye?? PEE on the pig and POOP on Murphy, aye?? I'm on it. But then I think I"LL chase the chooks .... what the heck!! In for a dime in for a dollar, aye?? (Crikey that's your speak, aye)!!

  17. Hey Charlie!!! Thanks bunches for visitin' my bloggie! I loves meetin' new furiends!
    OMD, you gots a porker all your own??!! Wells, who could blame you for takin' a lick or two?? Who doesn't like a pigs ear to chew on??! BOL
    Sorry Poppy...butts you can't blame Charlie for wantin' a taste! ☺
    You can come over here and you can stay in my;s all kinds of fun! It even has stuffies already in there!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Crikey Ruby .... your tunnel does look VERY inviting. Thanks for the invite but I think I've gotta work things out here, aye??
      Yeah Ruby ..... they do give me those pigs ears to chew on. I love 'em. How AM I supposed to know the difference??

  18. OK, to be clear, I am NOT the peeing Murphy. OK? BUTT, you can come here and stay with me and Stanley. We have it made.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. BTW Charlie, make sure you check our bloggy on Sunday cuz we mentioned YOU!

      Your Pals,

      Murphy & Stanley

    2. I know YOU wouldn't pee on me Murphy. You're much to gentlemanly!! You sure do have it made at your house and the invitation was very nice but I think I've gotta stay here and work this thing out. I'm sure it will be ok .... ONE DAY!!
      Crikey Murphy I'll go and check it out. I've been a bit behind with my reading over the past few days. Got a lot to catch up on.

    3. Crikey Murphy ... I looked at your blog but the office was closed mate?

  19. Charlie what wrong with the oinker Poppy, why don't you like her. Why she is porch chop heaven.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot.

    1. I like her alright Sweet William. I just want to play with her really. She's the one that thinks I want to eat her. She squeals like a ......... well ........ A PIG!!

  20. Some nerve!!! GEezz!! You can come here and stay with me Charlie!!


    1. Thanks Jazzi .... that would be great. Do they make PORK tacos?? I did think I should stay here and work things out but if they make pork tacos I might just have to come visit, aye??

  21. We love you and if you come to our house we will hardly ever pee on you

    1. HARDLY ever???????? Crikey ... for little blokes you sure got a lot of 'tude, aye?? You pee on things??? I love you too but I'm not too keen on getting peed on!!

  22. You could come and stay with me in Kingston, Ontario. Pigs are for eating. I will get Mommy to cook some bacon, pork ribs and pork roast just for you when you get here. That will make you feel better!

  23. Crikey Jelly ... Would your Mommy do that for me? She's VERY kind and I really appreciate the invitation but I think I've just got to sort this out here, aye?

  24. 'Saint murphy' here- sorry bout peeing on you Charlie. It was a very confusing time. I got a new pig in the family, you were trying to eat it, my mum was going bananas, it was just a big mess and I don't know what I was thinking!!!!???!? I'm still a bit confused by it all! Maybe there is something wrong with me. Don't worry mate I'll get myself sorted out- maybe I need a doggy psychologist!! Oink to you... I mean WOOF! Sheesh, see how confused I am?!

    1. Crikey Murphs ..... get your act together, mate!! I still love you.

  25. ohh poor Charlie. You're going to be just fine indeed. Give it time. I bet you in the long run, ya'll will be great friends... when you decide not to eat Poppy Poo Poo Pants. I mean trust me, the cats here lick me and they will tell you straight up - I taste *nothing* like bacon... or cracklins - snorts. Pigs are special. I know because I am one. You give Poppy Poo Poo Pants a little time. Before you know it, you two will be getting into so much trouble - I mean adventures together. XOXO - Bacon your new miniature pot bellied friend.

    1. Crikey Bacon ...... thanks so much for stopping by!! I s'pose you're right. We've decided to let Poppy PPP settle in a bit before I go over and harass her again. She'd hardly moved in when I BOMBARDED her with love. I think it was just all a bit too much for her. She's settling in nicely and everyone loves her to bits already. She's going to dog training in a few weeks time. That should be interesting.

    2. Dog trainin? Don't yu mean Hog trainin?

      Bol! I crack myself up.

    3. Crikey Zoe ..... Too funny .... you crack me up too!!
