Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Remember Miss G???

Ok ..... so Mum still wants to tell you about her trip away and I will let her ..... one day ..... but right now I reckon you'd rather see Miss G's latest birthday pics.  You remember Miss G, aye??  She's the one that wouldn't wear clothes.  Couldn't keep 'em on her no matter how hard we tried.  Kidd'n' that hasn't changed.  Now she won't let anyone see her naked.  Not even ME!!! Would you believe she's turned 5??  Crikey ..... the baby of the family is 5?  Where did those years go??
You should have seen the cake decorating effort. What a disaster!!  Mum's 20, plus year mix master packed it in during the making of the all important icing and improvisation was needed in a hurry.  It was really hard to beat and couldn't be done by hand so Dad came to the rescue. I'll let the pictures tell the story.  I don't know if you remember but when Mum and Jen decorate the kids cakes they always give everyone a job to do. Well this time Dad sure had his work cut out but his actions saved the day.  Mind you .... my job is always to supervise and I reckon I did a pretty good job too.  The cake wasn't our best effort ever but Miss G loved it and that's the most important thing, aye??
We had the celebrations the day before I was put in the slammer and Mum and Dad took off to the bush so it was just a small family affair but we sure had a good day.  Wanna see the pics ..... of course you do ...

How good's Dad, aye??  It wasn't perfect but it did the trick and guess what?  Mum's got a brand new mixer for the next cake.  
All ready for Miss Jo's unicorn cake next week!!  She's 10 ..... oh my .... double figures!!
Looking' good so far!!

I'm the best supervisor!!
Pretty, aye??
How good is that mermaid tail?  Jen made that one.  The little girls made one each too but we couldn't put them on the cake. They didn't pass my quality control.  They did go on some cupcakes though.   
Wow ..... look at all that loot!!
I think she liked that pressy!!
She sure liked that mermaid doll.  
Time to blow the candles out.  Crikey Izzi ..... shut your mouth, mate.  A fly could fly in there.  
Well done Miss G!!
Crikey ...... she sure looked dangerous with that knife.  
REALLY???????  I waited for the ice-cream to go with mine.  
Wanna run .... Love, Charlie.


  1. Lovely photos, Charlie. I think the cake sitting on 'sand' is very clever. Did you get a piece of cake?

    1. You bet Andrew. AND icecream! It was a good day.

  2. Spectacular cake I'd say. Well supervised Charlie! And belated Happy 5th Birthday to Miss G.
    Toodle pip!

  3. Happy birthday to your sweet miss g!!! and your dad is the bestest cake designer of da whole world!!!!.... the mama is green with envy... she can not even make a paw-lova...sigh...

  4. Oh, wow! What a yummy cake. And Happy Birthday to Miss G! Five is great!
    And soon Miss Jo will be 10! OMC, how the wee ones get grown up!

  5. Happy Birthday sweet Miss G
    That CAKE looks AMAZING!!!!!!
    And um...Charlie, did you get sum icey cream?????
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    1. I got heaps Princess AND some cake too! How good was that?

  6. Happy 5th Birthday to Miss G! Thank doG for workshop tools and your dad coming to the rescue!
    Your cake is so pretty and I bet it tasted so yummy!

  7. Hari OM
    Well I think you dad gets four paws up for his creative mixerising, same for you for snoopervising Charlie mate... and best wishes to mum for adapting the new machine to cake making; it's a fair bet that it won't last the same twenty years the old one did. It's that kinda world! Anyway, you all did a fabby job on that cake and all you forgot was to organise tastavision &*> Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. What beautiful cake, and a fun party. Nice that Dad saved the day and project completed on time.

  9. Yeah your dad saved the day with the power tools.
    Happy Birthday to Miss G.

    xo Astro

  10. I have some catching up to do by the looks of it...but I will do it tomorrow...it's 11.30 pm as I write...and my two furry mates want me to jump into bed with them, Charlie. :)

  11. Happy belated to Miss G!

    Was that a drill I saw used? How clever!

    Mara from Norway

  12. We love seeing your dad mix the cake with a drill. BOL! That was very clever. Happy Belated Birthday to little Miss G.

  13. Happy birthday Miss G! Wow! You always make such creative cakes. I'm sure my Dad would have used his power drill to make the icing too. He uses his shop-vac to clean the house!

  14. Happy 5th Birthday to sweet and beautiful Miss G!!!! That is another masterpiece of a cake by the humans!!! Is your Dad using a drill??? Very creative indeed!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  15. Full marks to Dad for his inventiveness! Cake is gorgeous, SHE made a cake the other day that was a.....don't quite know what it was...bwahaahaa! We think Miss G thought it was outta this world!

  16. Oh my, Mama is squeeing so very loud I bet you can hear her at your house, Charlie! That is the cutest mermaid cake in the land!!!
    Jakey & Arty

  17. YOur family makes the best cakes!
    Happy Birthday to Miss G
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. Wow, we'd say that cake turned out just pawfect! We hope they gave you some ice scream too! Happy birfday to your miss G!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. That cake was pretty good alway good if enough to go around and plenty left over.
    Happy birthday it's great to be 5.

  20. That is a great cake. Happy birthday Miss G.

  21. That looks like the perfect cake for a cutie to me.

  22. Children are wonderful little creatures (not as wonderful as you, Charlie...of course)!

    The cake looks delicious! I think it looks lovely! I hope you managed to get a slice or two, Charlie! If you didn't I hope you kicked up a fuss!

  23. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Charlie...OMCs OMCs your family are cake master for sure. Did you have a 5 cake pan? I love the theme of the year and the mermaids taking a dive in the icing.
    Bravo Bravo Bravo standing ovation
    Hugs madi your best matey kitty

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