Crikey ..... you won't be hearing much from me for the next few weeks. Nan (my Mum's 96 year old Mum) has come to stay. She's a full time job according to Mum. So what ..... I'm a full time job and Mum seems to manage me and all my demands. She also manages Dad and all his demands and she does manage to fit in some babysitting duties and manage Dad's business office work as well. So ...... how come she can't manage to fit Nan in there somewhere without me having to be the one who suffers neglect? A few Secretarial duties here and there isn't too much to ask ... IS IT??? Apparently it is. So I might be a bit quiet over the next few weeks. I sure hope you will forgive me cause I'm not all that sure that I'm going to forgive Mum. Not that I don't like Nan coming to stay. I do!! We have a good time together. I get to keep her company all day long and I'm allowed on her bed. She LOVES me. I put my head on her lap and snooze and she just pats me and pats me. Crikey it feels good.
Crikey ..... we look pretty good for our age, aye?? |
I get so much attention and we get lots of visitors. Mum says they are coming to see Nan but I'm here to tell you it's me they are all coming to see.
This is my very favourite visitor so far. He's a friend of one of my 2 legged sisters. He looks kinda scary, aye? Like a mountain man or something but he's real nice and gentle. He LOVES his dog. Funny dog for a mountain man to have, aye? The dog's name is Charlie. Two Charlies together! We had a great time. |
We do have a few new rules around the house. I've got to be awful careful not to leave my toys lying around and I've been told in no uncertain terms that I must not walk around Nan's legs and trip her up. Mum's been watching me like a hawk. I do have a bit of trouble with both those rules but so far so good ...... no accidents!!
Nan's a great big sneak .... just like me! It's great. She sneaks me biscuits and lollies ...
AND .... how good is this?????
LOVE chocolate! So does Nan. Dark chocolate!! ..... you know ... the kind we canine blokes aren't supposed to eat. What's with that???? Why did God make it taste so good if we weren't allowed to eat it? Nan doesn't care. She gives it to me anyway. Mum gave her a right dressing down when she caught her at it but Nan won't remember that. She doesn't remember anything much these days. Mum reckons the only things she remembers are the things she doesn't want her to remember. Too funny, aye??? Anyway I love Nan. She's almost as naughty as me.
Some of Nan's stash of goodies!! |
A bit more of the stash!! That's the chocolate I LOVE!! |
Our house has been invaded by all sorts of weird stuff. It's a right nightmare. Everywhere you look there's some sort of weird Nan paraphernalia AND medication. OMD I've never seen so many pills. Mum hates disorder. She likes to have everything neat and tidy so she's not too happy about all the stuff everywhere but she loves her Mum so she copes. If Dad or I try to have our stuff all over the house she stresses out and makes our life a misery with her moans and groans but it's ok for her Mum.
So ...... please forgive me if I'm awful quiet for a week or two but don't worry ..... I'll be back!!! Just like that Arnold bloke, aye? I'll miss you all. I'll try and keep up with all your blogs but I mightn't have time for too many comments. Crikey gotta go ..... Nan's rattling those chocolate wrappers again!!!!!
Wanna run ... Love, Charlie.
Have fun wif Nan. Hope she sneaks ya some good treats!
ReplyDeleteOh yes Gail says she totally understands that is Nan has come to stay then your Mom will be very busy indeed. The good things about Nana is that they can be a bit vague about the rules regarding treats etc. And we just have to comment on those liquorice allsorts. Did you know that Gail's great great grandfather on her mother's side founded a factory making liquorice based sweets in Pontefract, Yorkshire, and was the inventor of the 'Pomfret Cake? The factory was in family hand in the 1960's when Gail was taken on a tour, but was soon after sold to Rowntrees.
ReplyDeleteToodle pip!
OMD! She's really spreading out and taking over. But, she looks like she's good for cuddles, naps.....and treats. So it might not be too bad. Maybe you can get your mum to just post a picture sometimes.......just so we know you're okay.
ReplyDeleteXXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui
Have a good visit with your Nan. We will look forward to hearing you bark when you get time.
ReplyDeleteNo worries and we see you when we see you. Have a great time with Nan. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
Take care of yur Nan. Don't worry 'bout us, we'll be here.
ReplyDeleteBe a good boy an be helpful an stuff. I bet yur Nan drops a lot of food too. Yur Mum will appreciate yur help cleanin up. ;-)
Behave yurself now.
CRIKEY Charlie... We think that NAN's Visit is just GRRRREAT. She must be LOVING the chance to spend time with YOU. We are SURE that you are making her visit a GRRRREAT GOOD time fur SURE.
ReplyDeleteWe love your other visitor... and CHARLIE #2. THAT is super.
Now Do NOT be concerned with us ... YOU have an impawtant job to do right now... Your job is to LOVE NAN as much as you Can.
NO WORRIES Charlie. NONE. Butt we would LOVE to see more pictures of YOU showing NAN a fine time .
We think WE would ADORE her.
Love to YOU and your MUM and esp. to your NAN.
OUR Nana and Papa nevers stay overnight, and we usually go visit wif them. When they come to ours house, they eat, open little presents mom buys for them and gets the hell out of dodge. Isa finks they are afeared they are gonna trip overs us..just like your momma worries about you and your nana. They also bring their little cheweinie named CHARLIE so we can play wif him, he loves us and we loves him. They nevers gives us chocolate or anyfing. I fink your Nana needs to call our Nana and tells her what to gives us.
ReplyDeletehave a nice break and we will see you back real soon.
Stella rose
You look after your nan, she looks like a pawsome lady. I do you will be the best caregiver ever. We have the same scary house in my house when my mom's mom comes to visit. My grammy keeps running over my toes with the wheelchair and I have to tell her to be careful, BOL! Take care of your nan, Charlie!
ReplyDelete"I'll be bok." BOLBOL :D
ReplyDeleteHab wotza fun wif yur Nan, Charwie. I can tell dat hur wuffs yu wotz!
R dat yur bike I sawed owtside? Yu still usin' twainin' wheels??? BOL!
Yes, I too remember that extra stuff in the den a while back when pawppy got himself a new least its gone now...(And growlmy see tons of all of those where she works...ask her how many times she's almost tripped on something...BOL!)
ReplyDeleteWhen my auntie came to visit here and she saw all the stuff she said...'Wow!'...BOL!
She used to get that stuff in her own den when my Grand-growlmy (Oma) & Grand-pawppy(Opa) would visit her...but by then they couldn't come to my den anymore...
Lets see now...digestive biscuits to go with the tea, Fig newtons, too; Allsorts to pass the time...according to my Great Auntie who is addicted to those, and she is 94!
Gummies, too, OMD!
Your furend's pup Charlie looks like a boy twin of Daisy my neighbour's pup!
I had to look twice to make sure she didn't go to The Land Down-Under!
You have a wonderfur visit and enjoy all the Nan time you can get. Imagine getting up on the bed with her! You are a lucky dude! And you are a sweet pair together!
Sounds like you're having a great time with Nan and the visitors. Sneaking treats isn't a bad deal either :)
ReplyDeleteMy ghost writer works with people like Nan all the time at the nursing home. She enjoys it very much and has a lot of fun. But it's hard work too, and she comes home real tired. Many of the old ladies there love to read The Daily Bone. Even the ones who forget things, light up when they see pictures of me and Joey dog. Having a pet around is the number one best kind of therapy, so you, Charlie, have your work cut out for you. I'm sure you will do a great job! Be careful with that chocolate, though; and don't mess with the pills either! Give Nan lots of hugs and kisses from Joey dog and me!
ReplyDeleteWow your Nan looks great for 94. I love when the grandpeeps come down so you have a blast with your Nan.
ReplyDeleteAroo to you,
Nan looks like she is a lot of fun and a lot of work. We all understand that life isn't just about Blogging so we will be looking forward to any posting you happen to sneak in.