Miss G ... AKA Georgia!! |
Crikey the little girls are growing up. I wish they'd
STOP!!!!!!! I remember when they were tiny wee and they smelled all milky and nice. Then they got a bit bigger and they didn't smell so good and talk about messy eaters. If they weren't dropping food all over the place they were throwing it at someone or other. That was the
BEST time! I got to taste some really fancy food and most of it was real good stuff.
AND ..... sometimes I even got to lick the chocolate off their faces. I'm not allowed chocolate for some silly reason but it was free reign when it was on faces. It's also when I first got to try toast and vegemite. Fair dinkum ..... that stuff is the best. I have a bit of Mum's every morning. She
ALWAYS has toast and vegemite at brekky time. Now that they are growing up they aren't nearly as messy so I'm missing out on all that good stuff ...
BUT ..... I've digressed .... back to Miss G!! It was her birthday last week. She's 6! Who'd have thought?? She's the baby in the family. Well not anymore. She might be the youngest but she's 6 going on 16. Talk about a Madam. She knows exactly what she wants and when she wants it and no-one can boss that little Miss around. She's also the clown of the family and makes everyone laugh with her antics. I adore her!! But then so does everyone that meets her. She had a great birthday. She wanted an
LOL theme. Now that's not short for laugh out loud.
LOL's are some sort of surprise toy that's all the rage with 6 year olds at present. Mum and Jen got to and made her cake and arranged a party at the local duck ponds park. It was a great day and lots of fun was had by all.
Not too much work involved in this effort by Mum and Jen but it looked good and Miss G loved it. |
At the duck ponds. |
It tasted as good as it looked. |
Can you see the donut pinata?? |
The day she was born. |
Such a wee little then, aye??? |
On the way home after the BIG day!! |
The next day was our Jo's mid year piano recital. Crikey she did good. Mum reckoned she was the best one there and she's not at all biased. Jo played two pieces and didn't make any mistakes at all.
How good is that?? I got to go too. It was a beautiful day and the concert was held outdoors. Miss G and I bonded together whilst watching the performers. We had the best two days and ..... lucky us ..... we get to do it all over again next week for our Jo. She'll be 11!! Yes ..... that's right ...
ELEVEN!! Crikey ..... where did those years go??
I know .... no shoes!! Well it IS Queensland. Not a bad day for winter, aye?? |
Miss G and I had the best seat in the house. |
Wanna run ..... Love, Charlie.