Monday, 20 February 2017

No ice-cream for me for a while!!!!!!

Crikey ...... am I ever in strife!!  There'll be NO ice-cream for me for a while.  We went to the farmers markets on the weekend and Mum and Dad left me in the car FOREVER!!  More than 87 minutes. Now before you get the RSPCA onto Mum and Dad I have to say that it was 5am and it hadn't got hot yet. I was very comfortable BUT ...... THEY LEFT ME ALL ALONE!!  Dad said he came back after ten minutes but I'm here to tell you he lies .......  It was FOREVER!!!!!  They've left me in the car before. Lots of times and no problems but this time ..... oh my ..... I don't know what happened but I just kinda got frustrated or something and I did a VERY naughty thing.
Uh Oh!!!! Don't think that's going to save anyone in an accident anymore aye??  
This is my apartment in the car. Pretty comfy, aye??  
When I was little I could fit through here but not any longer.  Too much ice-cream.  
But I could fit through enough to do this, aye??  Well I do have a LONG neck.  
Woe is ME!!!  No ice-cream for me for a while, aye!!!!!!

Some light entertainment after the destruction.  Only in Australia, aye??  

Wanna run ....... Love, Charlie.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Remember this bloke??

Do you remember this bloke??

He turned into this bloke!!

The lady that groomed him took these pictures. She said he was perfect. He even fell asleep while she was torturing him. I reckon she must have drugged him. 
HERBIE ...... what a difference aye??  He only looks different. He's still as mad as ever and he still LOVES me!!  No sooner were we home than we had to puppy sit ... OMD!!!!  Is he ever a handful.  He NEVER sits still and he NEVER sleeps. Well he sleeps at night but not during the day. Even after a BIG trip to the beach.  I ALWAYS sleep, big time, when I get back from the beach. Not Herbie!! Don't tell him but it was good to see him again.  It was good to see him go home too though.
I think he likes the beach.
It was a beautiful day.  Real big high tide.  We call 'em king tides. Crikey it was pretty but there wasn't much beach to run on. 

Get a load of this!!  Half a big fish.  Where do you thing the other half is??  Mum reckoned in a sharks belly.  It was just like it had been chomped off.  Herbie and I weren't all that interested in it.  Didn't smell much.  Will be better in a week or two.  
After the beach we went out for brekky.  I'm perfect at sitting under tables. Herbie not so good but he's gotta learn, aye??  He did a pretty good job for a while.  
Yep!!   I even had to share my spot in the car with him. 
And when we got home ...... THIS!!!  OMD!!!!!!

Wanna run ..... love, Charlie.  

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Sydney and stuff!!

Crikey ..... we've been away forever.  Dad had some work to do in Sydney so we packed up and off we went.  What an ordeal.  I've NEVER felt so hot in all my life.  The trip down was a nightmare. Not really ..... but I thought it might be. You see I usually ride in the back of our covered in ute in my crate because that's the only way I travel well and safe.  BUT it's not air-conditioned in there. Dad bought me this evaporative cooler thing and it works well but not when it gets real hot and it got real hot on the day of our trip to Sydney.  It's about a 1200km trip.  We'd only been on the road for an hour when the temperature was reading 39C or 102.2F and I was starting to wilt. Mum said I had to go in the front of the car where it was air conditioned but there was no room as the back seat was full of all Mum and Dad's junk.  The only vacant spot was at Mum's feet so guess what??  That's where I stayed for the rest of the trip.  I was happy as ..... it was cool and I was comfy.  No complaints from me.  BUT ...... Mum moaned and groaned the whole way.  I've no idea why.  I had plenty of room.  I'm real glad I got to ride in the front cause it got hotter and hotter.  Mum took this picture of the outside temperature. Pretty hot, aye??  It did get to 46C or 114.8F but she didn't get that picture for some reason or other.  Crikey ..... am I ever glad I wasn't in the back.

Cosy, aye??
I had plenty of room. 
We took two days to get there. We stayed in a motel overnight and set off again in the morning. Me in the front again.  Hmmmmmm ..... I could get real used to this.
Mum and I had a good time in Sydney. We didn't do much because it was really hot most days but we managed to catch up with all our friends and my two legged sister, Janey, and her 2 poodles Remi and Bruno as well as run errands for Dad.  Poor Dad had to work in the heat (he's a builder and the work he does is mainly outside work) and he was pretty beat by the end of our time there. He's ancient and he should really stop working but hey ..... someone's gotta keep me in chicken necks, aye??
We got to go on an early morning whippet meet up at the beach.  I know I get to go to MY beach every day when we are at home but there's not many dogs there and no whippets.  At the Sydney meet up there were 27 whippets and 2 greyhounds. Crikey it was a good few hours.  I had the best fun. We terrorised all the other dogs on the beach. None of them could keep up with us. Mum took lots of pictures so here's a few.  It's better if you biggefy them.
That's a lot of whippets, aye, and that's not all of us?  Yes that's me in the foreground.
Yep .... that's me .... the middle one.  I'm a great wave jumper.  
I nearly drowned!!  I fell in a hole. It was hard to get out. Everyone stood on the beach and laughed at me.  I COULD HAVE DROWNED and they just LAUGHED!!  Fair dinkum?????  How bad is that??????
This bloke had GOOD treats.  Look how patient we all are. See that good looking' fawn bloke next to me .... his name is Sanjo. He's a service dog. His owner is an epileptic and he knows when she is going to have a turn and makes her sit down. He won't let her go anywhere. He sits on top of her. He's amazing, aye??  
These next 3 pics aren't of me.  The fawny whippet is my mate Dash.  He and I  really get on well together.  We play just like this but we haven't got photos of the two of us.  These are Dash with a grey bloke.  Best to biggefy them.  Dash looks really ferocious but he's not really.  I play like that too.  
How good is this pic??  Mum didn't take these. One of the other whippy people took it. Mum would like to name them but she can't remember who it was.  Lucky the whippy people are pretty laid back about things like that, aye??  We just share our pics around.  
See ..... good mates!!  All that teeth gnashing and stuff means nothing to us blokes.  
We are home again now and I have lots to tell you but I've gotta wait for Mum to get her life in order before she can do my bidding and blogging but I'll try and show you some more pics in the next few days.  Sorry if I've been a bit slack getting round to all you blokes but I have been trying to keep up as much as I can even if I haven't been commenting too much.  You should see Herbie ...... crikey he's grown AND he's had a haircut.  Bet you can't wait to see him aye??  I hardly recognised him.

Wanna run ..... love, Charlie.