Whilst I've been missing in action there's been some good and bad things happen around our way. Do you remember just before I disappeared how my two legged sister, Jenni and her family lost dear, sweet Mortimer Moo, their miniature cow, to a paralysis tick. You can read about it
HERE if you like. Well when Morty died his mate, Maggie Moo, was very, very lonely and although peeps promised the family another mini cow (they couldn't afford to buy another one) it just didn't happen. So Maggie was
VERY lonely and
VERY sad. My cousin Murphs, the labradoodle, and all round good bloke, did his best to keep her company but he was getting on a bit and couldn't be with her all the time. He needed his rest as old dogs do. So poor Maggie spent her days being very sad and very lonely but she was coping ok with the help of Murphs and the extra attention Jen and the little girls gave her. But ...... and this is the very saddest part ..... Murphs wandered off from his home through a gate that was accidentally left open. Something he had never done before. You could leave every gate on the property open and he wouldn't go anywhere but he was getting old and a bit forgetful and he wandered off. Oh boy ..... I don't know how to say this it's just sooooo awful ..... but he was hit by a car. One of the neighbours hit him. He was killed instantly. The neighbour was devestated. He knew Murphs well. Everyone did. He was the best dog
EVER. Everyone loved him. The three little girls loved him. Jen had him before they arrived into the world. He welcomed each one of them and loved and protected them. PoppyPooPoo pants loved him, the chickens loved him, the guinea pigs loved him, Morty and Maggi loved him.
I LOVED HIM!! OMD he was a great cousin. The
BEST!! He was 15 years old and his health was deteriorating but we all felt he would last another few years. No-one could imagine life without Murphy. What a bummer, aye??
We sure will miss him. The one with the big white flower was on our Jen's wedding day. He was the ring bearer. |
With Miss G a few years back with Phillip the chook on his back. Let me near Phillip and she'd be in my MOUTH not on my back. Yes ..... Phillip was a sheila. Go figure!! |
Poor Maggie Moo now had no-one to keep her company so something had to be done and a miniature cow hunt began in earnest. To make a long story short we found one ...... Her name is
Meet Moooooriel!! Cute, aye?? |
She arrived just last week. I was there when she arrived but I didn't get to have a sniff as everyone thought I would upset her and thought it best for her to settle in before they let me loose. Hmmmmmmph!! What did they think I would do?? I'm good with Maggie. I don't chase her too much. Besides she can handle herself. She comes at me and tries to butt me. She's a bit scary actually but don't tell anyone I said that, aye?? Anyway Maggie is over the moon. She won't let Mooriel out of her sight and Moooriel has settled in nicely. They are besties. How good is that??
I think they like each other |
Now all that's left to do is find a puppy for the little girls. Mum is onto it. She's been searching and searching for the right one for the family. A very difficult job. Murphs is pretty much irreplaceable but she thinks she's found the right one now. It's a little spoodle, called Moca at the moment but I think that will change.
Pretty cute, aye?? |
He's was born on the 13th October so he's just 4 weeks old now. Mum and Dad are buying him for the little girls for Christmas. He might have to live with us for a little bit but that's ok with me. I'm good with puppies
NOW!! I used to give 'em a helluva time but I've settled or so Mum says. I dare say she'll keep a very close watch on me. But I'll be good .......
Wanna run ..... Love Charlie!!