We went to the Man from Snowy River Festival in Corryong again. It rained big time last year and a lot of it was called off. You can see last years posts
HERE and
HERE. They are pretty big posts but there's lots of great pictures of Aussie country scenery and country folk and cockies (both kinds - the bird kind and the country folk kind) so if you're interested in that it might be worth a look. It didn't rain this time so we got to go to the re-enactment of Banjo Paterson's poem. Crikey it was a good day. The re-enactment of the poem is done so well. Everyone in Australia knows the poem. For those of you who don't it sure is worth a read. All you'd have to do is google 'The Man from Snowy River poem'. I'm sure you'll find it. Banjo Paterson sure wrote some good poems. Clancy of the Overflow is another one of Mum's favourites although she likes just about everything he wrote. Corryong is a lovely country town in Victoria. They call it high country as it is very close to the NSW ski fields and is known as the gateway to the Snowy mountains. I s'pose most of you people upover would call them hills but they are mountains to us. We didn't see any snow. Here's some pics from the re-enactment. There's lots ..... sorry but we've got heaps more so it could be worse, aye?
It's a bit dry, aye?? They could do with some rain. |
There's heaps of pics of these kids. They were very cute. Mum did ask their Mum before she took the photos. More following. |
These are just part of the re-enactment. |
How cute is this little one?? |
This poppet was very shy but once Mum won her over she was really out there. The clown of the family Mum reckons. |
Lovely boy ...... very well mannered. He's got lots of sisters ... |
Cute as buttons, aye?? |
When we left Corryong we spent a few days in Sydney where we went to the Opera house and we spent a lot of time with Nan.
She is still going ok but is getting more and more confused. She really likes having me there and loves when I snuggle up next to her on the bed. I don't think the nurses would approve but Mum reckons if it gives Nan a bit of pleasure then it's ok by her. So far I haven't been caught. Here's hoping it stays that way, aye??
Nan always makes Mum take me around to show me off to her friends before we go home. I don't get on their beds but they all like me a lot and they all want to give me treats. Mum is very strict though and says I've just had my dinner but she takes the treats from them and tells them she will let me have them later. She NEVER does!! AND they are great treats. Chocolate, chocolate biscuits, cake, lollies ..... crikey ..... all sorts of good stuff!!! Not fair, I say. We are still in Sydney. We are looking after my eldest 2 legged sister's house and her two babies, Remi, the big black one and Millie, the little white one.
Remi .... it takes ALL DAY just to brush him. Just as well I'm easy!! |
Oh dear ..... SHE tried to fix it .... she can't!! |
Jane (my sis) is holidaying in New Zealand. I'm having fun playing with Remi. He's about my age. Millie is old and cranky but I still like her. I just leave her alone and she leaves me alone too. It's good here but I've been away from home too much this year. I can't wait to get back to
my beach and see all my mates. S'pose it'll happen soon.
Wanna run ..... Love, Charlie.