Crikey ...... are there any romantics out there that can help me???? I sure need some help!! Valentines day's coming up and I so want to impress my Sheila, Enid. I haven't got a romantic bone in my body. I do try but I just, somehow, always feel, I haven't quite got it right. I think it's an Aussie thing. We Aussie blokes are a bit rough around the gills but deep down we have hearts of gold, aye???
AND Enid is sooooooooooo classy.
OMD!! Have you all met her??? How she got involved with me I'll
NEVER know. She likes Classical music. Well ... so do I, sometimes, but you know what I mean. And she models stuff. Crikey ..... she's got style!! So has
ANYONE out there got any ideas on what I can do for Enid on Valentines day. Chester gave his Princess the moon when he took her to Dory's party.
HE GAVE HER THE MOON!!!!!!!! How romantic is that?????? Crikey if he ever takes a fancy to Enid I'm gone. How the heck do you beat
THAT????????? PLEASE ....... I'll be ever so grateful for any suggestions
Pleeeeeeeeease help me!!!!!!! |
Wanna run ... Love, Charlie.
Hi'z me Doc..Fozziemumz I reckon as an Aussie dog we got all the moves...I reckon you take her to Uluru mate and give her the know we do a ripper night sky! the stars for your star.soundz good..Enid will love it no matter what you do coz you are her bloke! paw pats Doc ;) pee ess we have our own blog because Fozziemum iz a slacker check us out mate!
ReplyDeleteAnd good luck with your hottie ;)
Crikey Doc ...... you got it all together, aye?? How clever are you? Why couldn't I think of that?? What am I sayin' ....... I did that once but not for Enid. Hmmmmmmmm!! I'll give it some thought ...... Thanks, mate!!
DeleteUm...just be yourself, afterall, she already knows all about you and your sweet nature.
ReplyDeleteMaybe give her some sparkles to wear around her neck, gals always like those...and a purdy box to hide it in when she isn't wearing them on a date with you.
I don't really know, I have lots & lots of furends, many of which are gals...but no real steady-like one...I am a bachelor! BOL!! (Even though I pay them all regular visits...OMD!!)
Crikey Mr JF Sir ...... sounds to me like you're about as romantic as me. I like the jewel idea but apart from diggin' em up myself I don't really have the means of getting 'em. Mum refuses to give me an allowance. Wait ....... dig 'em up .... Hmmmmmmmmmm that gives me an idea!!! thanks Mr JF Sir you bachelor, you ..........
DeleteThat's a tough one dude, it's hard to beat the moon. Maybe write her a poem or a song?
ReplyDeleteAroo to you,
Crikey Sully ...... a poem or a song????????? I'm no Shakespeare but I s'pose I could TRY. Thanks, Sully ..............
DeleteIt is hard to beat the moon. But, you could write her a romantic song and sing it to her!
ReplyDeleteYeah ..... that Chester ..... he's ruined it for EVERYONE, aye??
DeleteI gots one suggesshun.... barbeque. Prefurrably Texas barbeque. Ya can have some babyback ribs, some brisket, some chicken flown in... and heck, yer Aussie, throw some shrimps on da barbie fur her.
ReplyDeleteIt would wurk fur me. Beats da dumb ole moon anyday. Ya can't eat da moon.
Crikey Finley ...... I can ALWAYS count on you aye?? Don't know much about a Texas BBQ though. It would have to be Aussie. I COULD do a Paul Hogan and go on a croc hunt and when we catch one throw it on an Aussie barbie. Would THAT be romantic, though? It sure turned that Linda Kozlowski sheila on, aye?? Thanks Finley .........
DeleteI'd recommend, but dey only ship here in America.
DeleteIf crocodile tastes anything like my allygator treats, it'd be a pretty good bet though.
We think Fozziemum has the right idea.....stars...the Southern Cross mate!
ReplyDeleteOf course, we'd think a tin of Homebrand sardines is romantic...
Crikey ....... why didn't I think of that? The southern cross ... of course!! Thanks!!!! I might just be able to use that, aye???? I'm with you on the Homebrand sardines ..... good tucker!!!!!!!
DeleteI will have to give this some serious thought and get back to you. Being a girl, I know what I like to get. I hope you get some good suggestions.
ReplyDeleteLoveys Sasha
Thanks Sasha ... I've got some good suggestions so far.
DeleteI'd suggest bacon. Even da French girl here likes it.
ReplyDeleteWell if I EVER fancy you Travis I'll know exactly what to do, aye?
DeleteWell Charlie, when I asked my Blogville friends a couple of years ago to vote on what sort of transport I should use to take my girl Addi to a Valentine date, the outcome was 'The Tank' and the rest, as they say, is history. Now I am aware that not every girl dog in Blogville shares Addi's unique characteristics, and I am not for one minute suggesting that a military vehicle would go down well with Enid, who sounds altogether a different kettle of fish. What I would say is that our community is clearly a first rate source of advice on matters of the heart, and you should pay close attention to the ideas contained in all these comments today.
ReplyDeleteToodle pip!
CRIKEY Bertie they sure put you on the right track, aye but I don't think Enid is the Tank type. I'll sure take on board any advice given. This great community has NEVER let me down.
ReplyDeleteHari OM
ReplyDeleteCharlie mate - all the gal wants is YOU..... just sayin'.... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
Crikey ...... really?????? I sure hope you're right. I got competition you know ...... there's these black labrador blokes sniffin' around ...... just sayin' .........
DeleteWe heard of a place up in the top end - a remote rain forest resort - maybe you can take her there - hire a nice quartet to play some music, candle light, frogs chirping and laying back in a hammock watching shooting stars (while whispering in Enids ear that none of those stars shine as brightly a she does)
ReplyDeleteCrikey ...... you blokes know a LOT about romance, aye???? You must have lots of Sheila's chasin' after you!!
DeleteHow about a cheeseburger ...what doggie can resist a juicy burger!
ReplyDeleteCrikey Mr Pip ..... you're about as romantic as I am, mate!!! I thought of that myself but ...... I dunno ...... Enid's a sheila, mate. They're a bit different to us you know!!!
DeleteWe are into the star thing. I know my dad gave his grand son a star when he was two years old. He was so afraid of the dark, but after dad gave him a star in the sky, he always want to see it and find it. Now he is ten and still remember.
ReplyDeleteMmmmmmmm!! I'll give it some thought but you bloke's have different stars in your sky to ours. Enid wouldn't be able to see my stars!!!! I love your idea though. Thanks!! One of the little girls is scared of the dark I'll get Mum to give her a star. It might help, aye??
DeleteWell Charlie I'm probably your twin and they forgot to add that romantic bone as they made me... butt I've read at Bev's blog that the roos play tug of war with the tail of the girls to show how much they like them... maybe that could be an idea?
ReplyDeleteProbably not huh? No wonder that I'm still single hahahaha
Easy Rider
Crikey Easy ..... you NEVER fail to amuse, aye?? BUT you're right ...... probably NOT, huh!!!! I'm sure all the girls LOVE you Easy. Crikey... if I was a sheila I could go for you ..... just sayin'!!!!!
DeleteWE suggest that you head to the BEACH... find a nice... SOMETHINGY that has been marinating in the Sun fur a day or so... to enhance its Flavor and Aroma... and then throw it on the Barbie and serve Enid a FEAST... Aussie Style... She would LOVE that... We know WE would...
ReplyDeleteCrikey ....... AND you've got 2 wives, Frankie????????? AND they went for that???????? Fair dinkum ....... is that all I've gotta do?? That's too easy. I'm always findin' stuff like that on the beach. AND you too, Ernie ...... crikey ...... I could see Roxy goin' for it ...... BUT ENID??? I dunno ....
DeleteOKAY Charlie being from the states, and you know the states loves our FOOTBALL we think you should give her a football team and name them after her...(this is gussie's dumb idea)
ReplyDeletestella rose
Crikey ........ that's not so dumb. I like it. A football team, aye?? How about a cricket team?? It's a bit more gentile than football. Enid's VERY gentile!!!!!!
DeleteOK. There are web sites where you can literally buy a star in the sky. One is at That would be super-impressive! Or else simply find your favorite star in the Southern sky and tell her you'll think about here every time you see it. But looking back on your other comments, a few doggies have already thought of that. (Mom had to work late last night so I didn't get online till now.) Good luck.
ReplyDeleteYeah Chester ...... I like the star thing but it's not like the moon. You blokes upover don't see the same stars we do, aye??
DeleteTry sending a bouquet of milk bones
ReplyDeleteLily & Edward
Good idea Lily and Edward ....... good idea!! Thanks for the suggestion.
DeleteOh, I r toadawwy womantikal! Ask anypup, Charwie! Dem will say, "OMD, dere r no pup more womantikal dan dat guy, Zaidie. Yu want womance, him r yur guy!"
ReplyDeleteHeer r my abbice : find sumfing ded while yu r on da beach. Dat combo ob water an' sun will make it xtwa stinky. Den, woll in it. Den, gib it tu yur Mum tu put in hur pocket tu take home. Go home. Ged dat yucky fing outta yur Mum's pocket an' woll in it fur a coupla hours or weeks or sumfing. Den wap it up an' take it tu yur gurl. Aftur hur r finished wif it, hur will be sad, bud den hur will notice dat yu smell jus' wike it!! Hubba hubba!! It r a win/win situmatayshun fur all!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! You got a girl Zaidie?????????? NO ...... I didn't think so ........... Thanks for the suggestion though, mate ..... it was good ...... REALLY!!!!!!!!
DeleteHey! I hab wotza gurls. It r jus' r nod 'llowed off-weash, Charwie. It cwamps my style. Yeah, dat r it!
DeleteWell now....lets start with that handsome mug of yours....yep, thats what she fell for. then show of your speed, your both fast pups, that will impress her....that one video back you showed it were so fast we didn't see you....then promise her you will take her out Dingo chasing......then the assuie standard...throw something on the barbie...Crikey Charlie, wine and dine!
ReplyDeleteThe Mad Scots
Dingo chasin, aye?? I like it ....... We can both run faster than those dingo blokes. Crikey ...... but what happens when we catch 'em?? They're pretty mean lookin' and they ALWAYS look hungry.
DeleteWhat girl wouldn't love a face like yours? You have no worries!
ReplyDeleteCrikey ..... that was a very nice thing to say. Do you really think so????????
DeleteDogs go wild for the smell of something nice and dead permeating your neck hairs. You can't go wrong with finding something really good to roll in.
ReplyDeleteWell I dunno ...... Enid's VERY gentile. But I think I'll have to try it. Everyone reckons its the way to go. She MIGHT like it.
DeleteHow about something pretty for her collar? A flower? Our Harlow loves flowers!
ReplyDeleteMonty and Harlow
Crikey ...... Flowers ...... of course ...... all Sheila's like flowers, aye?? Thanks!!!
DeleteWe are sort of challenged ourselves in that area. But you know there will be a Blogville Valentines Day dance too!
ReplyDeleteYour Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
A Valentines Day Dance ...... crikey ...... I betta get movin', aye??
DeleteHowdy Charlie. Happy New Year mate. We reckon you should woo her with scones and jam and cream. Mmmmm. What more could a girl want. Maybe throw in a bunch of flowers too, but food is the way to a girls heart for sure. Take care and see ya soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory (who both LOVE scones)
ReplyDeleteFlowers and scones, aye?? Now that's ONE thing Mum can cook. She's a hopeless cook but scones she can do.. They are good with jam and cream, aye????
DeleteI think you should sing a song to her. She would love it. I know you could write a song!
Tweedles ...... YOU can write songs ....... I can't write songs. I'm hopeless in the song writin' department. I CAN sing ...... a bit!!!
Crikey Madi .... you think I've got brownie points???? I sure hope you're right, aye????
DeleteSo many great ideas. Looking forward to seeing which one you choose.
ReplyDeleteYeah .... it's going to be a hard choice, aye??
DeleteMom says to be yourself and not try to over do things. Maybe get her some pawsome treats, I`d suggest chocolates, but those are bad for dogs and maybe take her to a nice place to eat. Maybe a date at the dog park would be pawsome. Let us know what idea you choose!
ReplyDeleteI'll sure let everyone know Buddy. We do have a great dog park here. I could use that one, aye??
DeleteHow about a nice squeaky toy?
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
Noodle and crew
Thanks Noodle and the crew ..... I don't know if Enid is into squeaky toys. I'll have to find out, aye??
DeleteI think just your handsome face ought to to do it
ReplyDeleteCrikey ....... do you think so??? I'm not so sure. Those black blokes that keep sniffin' around my Enid are REALLY good lookin'. I'm a bit on the skinny side.
DeleteOh, dear, we haven't got a romantic bone between us, but we sure hope you find an answer. However .... if she has eyes for you, don't worry that another gal was given the moon.
ReplyDeleteI've sure got plenty of suggestions, aye??
ReplyDeleteWe have the rescue greyhound next door who may want to race around the park. Ooooops, scratch that, she was last in all three races she ran. Maybe she's a lover?