My Mum's been reading bouncing Bertie's blog again and
EVERYTIME she does she gets all mopey about our Lucy. She loved that little girl sooooooooooooo much!! You see Bertie is almost a dead ringer for our Lucy. Except he's a bloke and Lucy was a sheila. Crikey ..... that kinda went without saying, aye?? So ...... just to make Mum's day I said she could, once again, take over my blog and tell you a bit about our Lucy. Just before she does if you haven't already met Bouncing Bertie you might like to check out his blog. You can do it here: Crikey I hope that's right. Mum's not good at this stuff. Now ..... take it away Mum!
Thanks Charlie ...... you can be a real good bloke,
SOMETIMES!! I thought I'd share some of Lucy's tales with you. She and our Harri shared our home way back before Charlie's days. They were
NEVER real good mates but they tolerated each other. They were ALWAYS in competition with each other and Lucy's tales tend to dwell on this feature of their relationship. The following is a short bit of a diary I did of Lucy and Harri's life together.
Lucy … October 2006. What a beautiful day we had yesterday. We
spent the day at the beach and it was the best fun. It wasn't just any beach it was Rainbow beach. To get there you have to drive for over an hour but the BEST part is you are driving ON THE BEACH. How good is that?? When we got there Mum and Dad played Frisbee
and ball with me and Harri and we went for big long walks. It was just great
... but ... Stupid Harri. He had to go off in the bushes exploring, didn't he??
And what did he find?? A goanna. Not just any goanna. A giant, mean looking
thing with teeth like razors and toe nails like talons.. Well ... stupid Harri
had to go and chase it, aye?? Does he
ever THINK? I don't think so! Mum and Dad were really panicking. Harri was in
"oblivious to the world mode". Poor Mum and Dad!! I think they were
imagining getting Harri (bloody and maybe dismembered) back to the VETS which
was at least an hour and a half drive back along the beach. Thank goodness ...
the goanna had some sense ... something that cannot be said for Harri ... and
decided to head up a big tall tree. So what does Harri do?? Stands under the tree,
for ages and ages, barking his head off and I don't know if you have heard an
Irish terrier bark when they have a critter cornered but CRIKEY ... how loud
can a bark be?? Fair dinkum .... what an
Lucy ... October 2006. Crikey!
Harri's such a wuss. We had to go to the Vets today and you should have
seen him. He had to have a blood test for his thyroid problem and you would
have thought they were pulling his nails out one by one. If he thought he had
problems he should have been in my position. Not only did I have to have my
yearly shots but the Vet said my anal glands had an infection and not only did
he squeeze the life out of my rear end he also got the nurse to help him and
while she squeezed he stuck a needle up there. Now I had something to complain
about and complain I did. Very LOUDLY!!
Would you believe that Vet tried to butter me up by giving me a liver treat
afterwards. What was he thinking?? I'm not that easily bought. Harri peed on
the floor!! How disgusting is he??
Harri … October 2006. Oh my goodness!! I'm soooo proud of Lucy. We
went to dog park today and there was a whole bunch of little kids playing
soccer on one of the fields. Now that's ok we can share. Plenty of room for
all. We went to another field and had the best time running around with the other
dogs and then ... on our way back to the car we went past all the kids school
bags and stuff and guess what Lucy did?? Would you believe little Miss Lucy,
goody two shoes, went up to one bag that was open a bit and grabbed some poor
little kid's lunch right out of that old bag. Miss perfect, never does anything wrong, Lucy!! Would you believe
it? I was so proud of her. She was quick too .... Mum didn't even see it happen
... just saw Lucy with a vegemite sandwich in her mouth! How good is that?? If it was me no-one would
have been surprised ... but Lucy! Well
done old girl!
And now just for Bertie ... some photos!!
Ok so the grooming's not great but Mum did it herself and never had her sheared. She pulled those hairs out one by one. Lu didn't like it. |
She LOVED that frisbee!! |
How to be popular at the dog park!! |
Hmmmmm!! Not too fond of dress up. Dad called her Miss Beady eyes. This was the beady eye look, aye?? He also said she had eyes just like George Bush. I won't say what he ALWAYS said after that. It might offend someone. |
Too sad!! |
Mum and Lu. They did a photo shoot for a glossy magazine. This is one of the shots. |
At flyball. Lu wouldn't get a ball out of the box if another dog had slobbered on it. She had her very own balls. They were PINK!! |
Not a real good cross over, aye?? |
Always eager to go?? |
Alright Mum ..... that's enough!!! Crikey just cause she likes looking at photos of our Lu she thinks EVERY one does. Sorry to bore you but she'll probably feel better now. AND I'm not even go to insist that there be a photo of me here.
Wanna run .... Love, Charlie.
Aww, Charlie!
ReplyDeleteYou are a good bloke, really you are, AYE?!
Thanks fur letting us share in the Lucy memory pages.
I am a good bloke Mr. JF Sir ..... so very generous, aye??
DeleteThat Lucy was a cutie. I think I'd try to steal a kid's sandwich too - after all I try to steal my momma's food all da time.
ReplyDeleteThose kid's leave their bags open ..... what do they expect, aye?? Me .... I'd grab the sanga and then I'd probably pee on the bag.
DeleteLucy sure were a cutie.
ReplyDeleteMomma's grandpa called Finley Beady Eyes. And he called me somefin even worse - Fish Breath! I think he were smellin his own breath there, I gots good breath!
Crikey 'Fish breath' .... that's a bit harsh, aye?? I'm sure your breath is just fine Whitley.
DeleteOh and Finley hasn't got beady eyes. Lucy didn't either but George Bush ..... well!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteCharlie that was very sweet of you to share with us Lucy and all her antics. Seems little Miss Perfect gets away with all sorts including Vegemte sandwiches. Have a super Saturday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
I've heard tell that Miss Goody two shoes, Lucy, got away with a lot, Molly. She could do no wrong in Mum's eyes.
DeleteWhat a lovely girl. We especially like the Vegemite sandwich incident. She does look like Bertie!
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful memories.
She was pretty cute, aye?? AND ..... she sure does look like Bertie. I wonder if they are related in some way.
DeleteShe was a special girl ....we can see why your Mom loved her so......and she does look like Bertie. And now you are the special one - you have some big paws to fill :)
ReplyDeleteI got GIANT paws to fill Reilly and Denny but I think I'm doin' a pretty good job so far.
DeleteLucy an Harri wur great dogs.
ReplyDeleteBut it's all 'bout yu now Charlie! Yu are the doggie in the spotlight.
I'm in the spotlight!!!!! Crikey ...... that makes me almost famous. It betta be all about me now cause that's just the way I like it!!
DeleteHari OM
ReplyDeleteNostalgia is all good and well - but you are 'the present' Charlie mate!!! (think I just dittoed Zoe...) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
You did Aunty, you did!! As I said to Zoe being 'the present' is just the way I like it. I'm makin' my very own adventures and memories now and kiddin' I',m not doing a good job. Mum thought terriers were full of personality and mischievous. She now knows whippets are too, aye??
Delete...they ARE Charlie mate; have been waiting to see another post from you but instead will let you know here that you got a SHOUT OUT over at my place yesterday and think you will like to hear about a young whiplady I once knew... Hooroo. YAM-aunty xxx
DeleteCharlie, we feel the same when we see fabulous Bertie, mom always thinks about Terry the Foxterrier. It's a little bittersweet but after all it's great to meet friends what reminds you of those you loved once. We always enjoy to read Bertie's blog and he brings a smile on our face :o)
ReplyDeleteYeah Easy ...... Bertie's great, aye?? There's something about foxies. I have a smoothie I meet on the beach every morning. He's real good fun. We have a romp and run together. He's a bit old and when he's had enough of me annoying him he gives me a good tellin off. I leave him alone then. He's very good at lettin' me know to back off.
DeleteOh yes I like everything I read about Lucy. such a smart and feisty lass. And I too would have objected to those antlers.
ReplyDeleteToodle pip!
Ps from Gail: the resemblance is indeed remarkable!
Yeah ..... Bertie ..... she HATED being dressed up!! She was happiest when she'd found something really putrid to roll in. The smellier she was the better she liked it. She sure did look like you, aye??
DeleteWhut cutie dat Lucy wuz...but dat one photo of Harri, on Lucy's grave, well, dat one started da waterwerks 'round here... we knows whut it's like when a pup passes on and da other one misses dem so...Momma's often thought she would like a wire-haired fox terrier-- she wishes dey didn't dock da tails here in da states.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thinks BeadyEyes is worser dan bein' called FishBreath... ya just eats a mint, problemo solved.
Crikey Bead ..... whooops!! Finley .... that photo is a bit of a tear jerker, aye?? There's more to that story though. Lucy loved that spot in the garden and used to sit there all the time. Harri NEVER sat there until Lucy was buried there. Then it turned into his favourite spot. Funny story about the ball too. It stayed there for about a week and then it disappeared. Mum put another one there. It went the next night. Mum put another one there and it too disappeared overnight. This went on for a while until the bloke up the road came and knocked on our door. He had ALL of Lucy's pink balls. Seems his dog, a staffie, was collecting them and taking them to his home. the bloke finally found out where he was getting them from. Too funny, aye??
DeleteEberyfing R all 'bout yu, Charwie, bud I kno' dat all our Mommas wuff tu see pichurs fwum dose olden dayz. Lucy wuz beeyooful...twuly. An' Hawwi wuz a weal hansum guy, bud no where NEER as hahsum as yu r, bwoke.
ReplyDeleteIf my Momma pwayed fwyball, hur wood nu tu uze hur bery own balls, tu! BOLBOL :D
ATTENSHUN ALL PUPSES!! Pweeze stop bwoggin' fur a week or a yeer cuz I r habbin' twubbles catchin' up. Gud gwief!
Crikey Zaidie ..... do you really think I'm more hansum than Harri?? Geeeeez ... I don't know what to say, mate!! Mum think's I'm the best lookin' whippet in the world but I think she's a bit biased. Hansum, aye?? Crikey ...... I'm soooooo honoured. Those balls are disgusting, Zaids. All the dogs slobber and drool over them and they go from one mouth to another. OMD ... YUK!!!!!!! Lucy had a few brains about her, aye?? She wasn't just a pretty face.
DeleteMum knows what you mean about stoppin' all the pupses from bloggin for a while. This Blogville joint is worse than dogster, aye? Too many great stories to read. My Mum used to go to bed early but she now sits up reading all night. It's gotta stop. She's exhausted!!
Lucy looks like she was a great girl! And speaking of look-a-likes, we went to the Farmer's market today and saw a doggie that looked like YOU! We yelled to him but he did not saw Crikey or Bloke even. That was how we knew it was not you. Rats!
ReplyDeleteMurphy & Stanley
Mayorz For All Paws
Crikey, soon to be Mayorz, you saw a doggie that looked like ME!! Hmmmmmmmph! I thought I was one of a kind. Well ..... I s'pose I am really. Smart of you to work out it wasn't me by the way he woofed, aye?? Hey ...... it might have been my Daddy. He lives in the UNITED STATES. Do you think you could find him again and ask him. That would sure explain the resemblance, aye??
DeleteWe like to think about our Ginger and Charisma too. We wish we had more pictures of them.
ReplyDeleteCrikey Chester and Joey ...... pictures are soooooo important, aye?? Mum takes heaps of me and I know your folks take heaps of you too but it's so easy now. Harri and Lucy were kinda before digital cameras were really big so there's not that many photos of them either. Mum reckons there's none of her when she was a little girl but her folks were very poor and couldn't have afforded a camera.
DeleteHey Charlie. I read all about you on Stanley & Murphy's bloggie. I really loved your mum's Lucy's memory row postie. She did look like Bertie.
Crikey Ranger .... thanks for stopping by. That was so nice of you. Stanley and Murphy are real good blokes, aye?? Do you think they'll be our Mayorz?
DeleteLucy sure did look like Bertie. Maybe they were related in some way!!
We love both Lucy and Harri and got to know them on Dogster. Now it is up to you Charlie to carry on the proud tradition.
ReplyDeleteCrikey Jelly ..... I'm doin' my best. I think I make Mum proud ..... well most of the time .... just not when I'm chasin' pigs and chooks and birds and rabbits and roos and ............. OMD .... the list goes on and on, aye?? Blimey Jelly ... you've known my Mum a lot longer than I have. You are a very special friend indeed!! My Mum still talks about your Jennifer too. She reckons Lucy, Harri and Jennifer would all be with one another now.
DeleteWhat a pretty pup Charlie! Mama must be proud :)
ReplyDeleteShe sure was good lookin', aye, Rory??
DeleteYes, humans do get sentimental when they remember those who have left us. Thankfully, their hearts are big enough to have room for more furry friends, but they don't ever forget. Thanks for sharing Lucy with us.
ReplyDeleteyeah ..... Mum sure loves me a LOT but she talks about all her other furry friends too. Not just furry ..... some of them had feathers. She often tells me about a big white bloke she called Fella. He was quite the character. He was a sulphur crested cockatoo.