Fair dinkum ..... I'm exhausted!! Miss Izzi came for a sleepover. Dad was away doing something important. He calls it work so Mum decided she needed some company and Miss Izzi ALWAYS needs some one on one attention so she ended up being that company. Now I love Izzi but ... crikey ..... she's tiring. What's with kids??? Don't they
EVER need sleep? I thought I was pretty active but she makes me look like a sloth. By 7.30 even Mum was ready for a
BIG, fat, rest and Miss Izzi was told it was bedtime. Well ..... I'm here to tell you she didn't like that .....
not even a little bit!!! From 7.30 until 9pm and the threat of being put in the car and taken home she hopped out of bed at least twenty hundred times. She was thirsty, she was hungry, she wasn't tired, she wanted this, she wanted that ..... fair dinkum ..... it was madness!! Funny how they don't want their dinner but put 'em to bed and they are starving, aye?? Then she was up at 6am and ready for another big day. Struth ..... even I wanted a sleep in but no such luck. By the time her Mum and Dad picked her up later that afternoon it was non stop action. Mum and I fell in a heap on the bed and had a much deserved rest.
We all went to the beach before everyone but Izzi went to their home! |
Now you know why she likes to be naked. No dress sense whatsoever and if she's gotta wear shoes she's likes 'em BIG. They're Josies!! |
Izzi and I had a race!! |
Look at me go!! |
Well she did have a big start!! |
Yeah ..... she won ..... but I let her!! |
Back from the beach and the other littlies had gone home. We're playing leggo!! |
This looks like fun!! |
Hmmmmmmmmmm!! |
Crikey .... I got one!! |
Can I have a nap now, Please Izzi!! |
At dog park!! |
Playing dressups!! |
This was the only hiccup!! |
We did have one little mishap!! Whilst Mum was trying to get some much needed washing done Izzi managed to put the above bangle thingie onto her leg,
ABOVE THE KNEE and couldn't get if off!! She did go to Mum and poor Mum nearly had a conniption. Izzi was crying and saying to Mum, don't cut my leg off.... don't cut my leg off" and wouldn't let her get too close. Mum grabbed a couple of marshmallows (for bribery) she had lying around and threw Izzi into the bath, fully clothed, and lathered her leg up with
dishwashing detergent and proceeded to try and get the bangle off. It took a bit of moving and a lot of screaming from Izzi but it finally budged and an awful lot of marshmallows ended up being consumed before she calmed down. Only wished Mum had thought to take a picture before she took it off, aye??
Wanna run .... Love, Charlie!!
Sounds like Izzi has well and truly mastered the art of gaining attention! Watch and learn, Charlie, watch and learn.
ReplyDeleteToodle pip!
Yeah ..... it's not fair!! When she's here I get neglected.
Deleteyes, you got one! BRAVO! I think kids need no sleep, they have an energizer bunny inside. Glad your mom could help to remove the ring... bet the marshmallows helped more that the dishwasher detergent. Have a great sunday, monday is a good day to catch some sleep!
ReplyDeleteYou're right about the energizer bunny thing, Easy ..... but Hey! you can turn those blokes off. I can't seem to find that button on Miss Izzi. The marshmallows did help. I got one too. I've never tried them before. They are pretty good, aye??
Deletewe are exhausted just ready about it - what a busy izzy !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCrikey .... you two sure got it right. That's exactly what we call miss Izzi. Busy Izzi!!!!!
DeleteBol! Yu look good in a beard! Bol!
ReplyDeleteWhut an adventure with that lil Izzi. Wunner how in the wurld did she get that bracelet on her leg!?!
Mum reckons it probably went on quite easily but the knee probably started to swell up a bit and hurt. That kid's ALWAYS into some sort of mischief.
DeleteSounds like you need a medal...or definitely some restorative treats. That kid's a pistol. Won't be bored with her around.
ReplyDeleteCrikey .... a MEDAL!! I did deserve one. Never a dull moment around our Izzi.
DeleteYou loved every minute of it, didn't you? A tired dog is a happy dog.
ReplyDeleteWell ....... not EVERY minute!!!! I didn't like when she tried to turn me into a horsey and give her barbie dolls a ride.
DeleteOMD OMD CRIKEY CHARLEY.... little peeps have more energy than they know what to do with... FUR SURE... Butt what a DARLING Peep Izzy is. hehheehe that sounds funny... IZZY IS...
ReplyDeleteOMD your MUM was BRILLIANT to have thought of dish washing liquid to make the bangle... SLIDE... THAT and the MARSHMALLOW BRIBES... BRILLIANT.
We are so glad that you shared the FUN with us. We don't have any little peeps in our lives... so we get to enjoy YOURS with You. THANKS.
It was a very exhausting few days. IZZI sure IZZ a darling, aye and we loved having her but crikey it was good to see her go home!!
DeleteOh my! yes those little ones can wear a doggy out! And the peeps too! But it looks like you had lots of fun with Izzy, except the bangle thingy, but smart mum to lather it up!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta
We had a real good time. Well .... except for the bangle bit, aye?
DeletePhew! I am tired just reading all a out it, and chasing you down that beach! Wheeeee!
ReplyDeletePoor Izzy, sheesh kids can and will do the darnedest things!
She sure is a sweetie, though...so she gets away with it all, right?? BOL!
When my Opa had his jewellery business, he sometimes brought customers into our kitchen to put their hands in cold water and he also used dish detergent to get rings off fat or swollen fingers...your Mom did it exactly right, though mine would have cut the bangle...
You sure got it right Mr JF Sir. Miss Izzi gets away with EVERYTHING!! She's like Zoe ..... she just bats those big brown eyes at Mum and whatever she wants she gets.
DeleteMum thought about cutting the bangle but was worried she would cut Izzi's leg and with Izzi screaming "don't cut my leg off" she didn't want to make her more frightened. If the detergent didn't work that was next on the list.
The race on the beach was fun!!
That reminds growlmy about when her brother was a wee one like your Izzi. He put a pea in his nose...among things, he messed with Opa's Leica Camera and killed it, OMD:( He had those huge brown pools for eyes,and blond curls...a boy with curls, the bane of males at the time the envy of girls, and the source of many oohs and awws about our sister, BOL! When he was about 2, he went for his furst haircut, and he told the barber to be careful to not cut off my ears. OMD!
DeleteBrown eyes and blonde curls. Crikey he'd get away with murder! He killed opa's LEICA camera? That's ALMOST murder, aye? Izzi once put a bottom up her nose. That was a Doctor job. BUTTON ... Not bottom. How did that happen?
DeletePoor Growlmy! Sounds like her brother was as hard to live with as Izzi is.. There's never a dull moment.
I would have liked to see the look on the barber's face when he told him not to cut off his ears.
Well, he has three of his own girls to give him back his comeuppance....sheesh, even they are all growed up already! Thinking of her baby brother like that makes growlmy feel so ancient...sigh...
DeleteYeah ..... my Mum only has one sibling. A big sister and all her kids are grown up with kids of their own too. My Mum really IS ancient. Think young, Growlmy ...... think young!!
DeleteCharlie! Glad to meet ya mate! We have been enjoying all your comments while we were on vacation. We look forward to getting to know you. Oh, and thanks for letting us know we cannot walk to Australia. We'll try to dig there and stop and see you! Maybe we were close to China or something cuz it was a long way!
ReplyDeleteYour Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Pee Ess - Don't forget that THIS Friday is the first ever Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails!
Crikey .... it was good meeting you blokes too. It was real good of you to take me on vacation with you. I really enjoyed hearing all about it and those pics were just beautiful. Bet your glad to be home though, aye?? It's ALWAYS good to be home.
DeleteI'll get Mum to check out FFHT. Sounds like a lot of fun.
They are like wind up toys that don't stop
ReplyDeleteLily & Edward
They sure are but with NO stop button, aye??
DeleteAnd people say we get into mischief looks like Izzi proves it can happen to anyone, aye?
ReplyDeleteAroo to you,
Crikey Sully .... those kids make me look like a SAINT!!
DeleteOh she is so CUTE though!!!!! I am guessing it's hard to be upset with that little face for too long. Hope you finally hot a mice long rest!!
ReplyDeleteG'day Duncan .... thanks for stopping by. It's nice to meet you!! I've managed to grab some rest time since she's gone home and your right about not being able to be upset with that little number. She's got Mum and Dad exactly where she wants them, aye??
ReplyDeleteHari OM
ReplyDeleteOMD - I'd have been digging holes in that sand and telling her that is where princesses go hidey-boos.... (some aunty I make, eh?) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
I somehow think you'd be a real fun aunty and ALL the kids would LOVE you!
ReplyDeleteThat Izzi is very cute! Oh my they can get into problems quickly can't they? That bangle looks so innocent! Glad your mom knew just what to do. Did you get any marshmallows?
ReplyDeleteyeah I did Buddy ...... ONE!!!!!! Miss Izzi got heaps. Almost made me wish I'd put a bangle over my head, aye??
DeleteCrikey! Kids AND Dogs, your mum is a SuperHero!
ReplyDeleteBlue ribbons, wine and a bubble bath are in order.
Wonderful pictures :D
Crikey .... glad it's her and not me. The blue ribbons sound alright but wine and bubble bath ... not for me, thanks!! Mum sure could have done with all of those though!!
DeleteCharlie could you not lay down on Izzi and keep her still. Oh if she had stuck that bangle on your nose my lord Charlie you would not have been eating marshmallows or anything. I would definitely sleep with one eye open when Izzi comes ove. She is definitely a cute human.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by yesterday and helping me reach my goal of sending a kitty on the Scooter Shuttle.
Why did you hide your balls in your tummy? You should have just given them up freely they are going to take them no matter what you do.
Sweet William The Scot
They took 'em alright Sweet William. I'm glad they didn't come down by themselves though cause if they did I wouldn't be living with Mum and Dad. I'd be a show dog and have to get all fancied up all the time and go to dog shows and stuff. I'd rather be just plain old me and go to the beach every day and live with my Mum and Dad. They are the best.
DeleteCrikey I didn't think of Miss Izzi putting that bangle on my schnos. That's something she WOULD do. I'll certainly be keeping my eye on her.
Oh my Charlie - u shure due haz your handz or pawz full - our mom sez that Miss Izzy iza cutie-pie butt she can also c a bit of oneriness in her too!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if u wood like to help Team Beaglebratz achieve their goal of 1000 postz by the end of THIS year, u can b a guest blogger on our blog - u wood write a blog post an'then email it to us - just write it in the email (no attachmentz) an'then we (our mom) will copy/paste it into a post. You can also send pikchurez in the same email an'we will c that they git uploaded into your post. Or we gladly accept ideaz fur blog postz - we haf a lotta postz to do by the end of the year an'our livez r kinda dullzville most of the time. Here iz our email addy--->
If u haf anymore questionz, just leeve them on our blog or email them to us.
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor (or testing - Prince of MY Kingdom)
an'Diva Shasta
Oneriness, aye??? that's EXACTLY what Miss Izzi has in her. Your Mom's VERY perceptive.
DeleteMy Mum's not very clever in the computer world but she will try and do a blog for you and send it. She's a bit pushed for time at the moment but will get to it as soon as she can. Sure hope you get your 1000 posts up!!
Hey Charlie - your mom iz pushed fur time an'u'all haf a post fur us already?
DeleteOur mom cood take a couple lessonz frum yourz on how tue git stuff dun. When our mom tellz us she iz pushed fur time we Beaglebratz git worried that she mite just not haf time tue feed us.
By the way, thank-u much fur choozin'tue follow us - life iz more fun with furrendz in it.
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta
Whoopz - we made a boo-boo. In your comment on our blog when u sed "your story wuz dun" we kinda furgot that u meant fur Murphy & Stanley - DUH! We gotta git werki'on ourz.
DeleteShiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta
Crikey .... yes! the story I've done is for Murphy and Stanleys Fractured Friday thingie. Trust me .... my Mum's no wonder woman!! She has typed up something for me for you. Hope it's alright. She'll email it now. It may be a bit long. I'm not quite sure if we've got your instructions straight. You do want a story about me for you to post on your blog. Is that right??
DeleteCharlie and Mom we have some friends in common!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy email is fern.reed@gmail.com.
We can talk!